One of the best parts of Destiny 2 is the character creation process. Like other MMORPGs, Destiny 2 lets players immerse themselves in a world that is engaging and constantly challenging. The game also allows a player creative license over how their characters look and interact with the world.

It can be intimidating to start out in an MMORPG. It can be difficult to learn the buttons and how everything works while other players are frustrated with your inexperience. Luckily, setting up a character and starting the adventure is not as difficult as it seems. Destiny 2 helps players ease their way into gameplay, ensuring that players never feel left high and dry. And with a variety of classes and subclasses with different abilities, it can be overwhelming which direction to go or what class to pick.

Choosing a Class in Destiny 2

The first thing the player is instructed to do is to pick a class. There is a choice of three categories: Hunter, Titan, and Warlock. Each class comes with its own perks and special abilities. These abilities mesh well when players are engaged in various quests.

The Hunter category is perfect for close to medium distance combat. Hunters specialize in agility, stealth, and marksmanship, making this category the ideal for new players. Hunters can be identified by their signature hooded cloak, thin builds, and lightly armored outfits. These characters are capable of using all weapons in-game, but they carry a unique blade called the Hunter Knife. The Hunter Knife is best used for stealth kills and melee combat.

Titans, by contrast, are a guardian class. They function as the teams’ tank, specializing in armor and defense. Titans can be identified by their full-body armor and swept-back helmets. A Titans armor also has a unique identifier called a mark. This mark is a cloth that’s worn on their right him to show the Titan’s allegiance, lineage, or achievements.

Warlocks are very different from the Titan and the Hunter. Rather than specializing in defense or attack, Warlocks focus on combining magic powers with weapons. Their magic was given to Warlocks by The Traveler, a mysterious, city-sized sphere in Destiny that hangs over Earth. Warlocks can be identified by their long robes and round helmets. Additionally, Warlocks come with an additional fifth armor slot, which takes the form of an armband that is worn on the upper left arm.

Subclasses Inside Destiny 2

Each class that a player picks also gets to decide their subclass. The classes listed above all have three subclasses for players to choose from later on in the game. Each subclass centers on different elements; Solar, Void, and Arc. Although the introduction never covers the subclasses, it’s important to consider which subclass to pick. Subclasses are available to players somewhere between levels 7 to 10.

For the Hunter, the subclasses available are Gunslinger, Nightstalker, and Arcstrider. Gunslingers have numerous grenades and an uncanny use of knives. Gunslingers are also talented with dodging and high jumps. By contrast, Nightstalker characters lean more towards stealth. Nightstalkers are better trackers and set up traps for their enemies. With every blow from an Arcstriders, players will receive a slight boost to a stat. Some combination blows will give players health regeneration, some result in arc staff attacks doing twice as much damage after the player performs a successful dodge. Arcstriders are perfect for fights that may leave players in a pinch.

The Titan’s subclasses consist of Striker, Sentinel, or Sunbreaker. The Striker subclass gives players a chance to create barriers. These barriers are key in reinforcing a position that is being bombarded by enemy fire or a small barrier for players to peak over. The Sentinel subclass has the ability to use shield bash that disorientates enemies. After a short sprint, players can use this melee ability to give enemies a devastating blow and leave their enemies lost for a moment. Sunbreakers differ a little from their Titan counterparts in that they don’t actually have a shield. Instead, Sunbreakers have a hammer that can push enemies back and give a devastating blow. Out of all the tank classes, Sunbreakers can inflict the most damage.

Finally, the Warlock’s subclasses consist of Dawnblade, Voidwalker, and Stormcaller. The Dawnblade subclass utilizes the fire in combination with their regular weaponry. The combination of fire and sword gives players an advantage in damage against enemies. The Voidwalker subclass uses light and dark in order to defeat foes. Voidwalkers can use attacks that are both void of light or attacks that are composed solely of light, disorienting foes and creating openings for attack. Finally, the Stormcaller subclass to use the power of the elements to overpower foes. Stormcallers can also learn to use storms and pulse waves to increase their chances of success against persistent enemies.

Although the above-listed aspects of each subclass are just the tip of the iceberg as far as their abilities go, it’s something worth noting for each player. Although these won’t affect players right away, down the road each class will have to decide which subclass to focus on and it would be nice to know what choices a player has down the road.

Physical Character Aspects for Destiny 2

Like other MMORPGs, players also get to pick their looks. Destiny 2 provides players to choose from three races and many various builds, faces, and representations. The primary races for each player to choose from consist of Awoken, Human, or Exo. Although each race has it’s own description, a players race does not impact gameplay. The only real effect race has on the game is regarding the look of the character.

Destiny 2 also offers players a variety of looks to choose from. There are a variety of skin tones and hairstyles and the overall character-building process is fairly in-depth. Some of the styles feel limiting but, for a massive game, players can feel confident in the character that was built.

Get Going in Destiny 2

Once a player finishes their character, the game is fairly straightforward. What’s nice is that Destiny 2 doesn’t force players into a combat room right away with experienced players. Even later on, the game has some great solo raids if players aren’t feeling confident enough to play with someone else. Instead, players are guided through the tutorial with limited interaction with other players. Destiny 2 guides players through an easy process of how the basic buttons and skills work. After partaking in a giant, all-out brawl with enemy shooters, players are corralled into a spaceship and are off to start their new adventures.

Destiny 2 provides players with numerous character slots. This gives players a chance to experiment with different classes, subclasses, and character design. Players are encouraged to try different combinations and backgrounds that will sort of shift how players interact with the game. Team up with friends, complete visually stunning raids, and fight the good space fight!

More: Destiny 2’s Best Bugs & Glitches

Destiny 2 is available on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.