In Destiny 2, players are given an option of three different classes: Titan, Warlock, or Hunter. Players cannot change the class of their character once they are created, but they can create new characters for each class. Currently, the classes are fairly close together balance-wise, so players can’t really go wrong with whichever class they decide to choose. Each class is divided into subclasses defined by the game’s energy types: Void, Solar, and Arc. The subclasses are further broken down into three branches, so players have a choice of nine different subclasses per class. Subclasses are interchangeable throughout the game, so Guardians don’t need to worry about that.

All three classes can be played in several different ways. Some classes can be spec’d for damage, utility, or survivability. While some classes naturally gravitate towards these playstyles, they can all be played in any way. Titans are naturally tanky, but can deal tons of damage and provide a lot of utility for the fireteam. Warlocks have the some of the best utility in the game, but can also live for a long time while dealing massive damage. Lastly, Hunter Supers can dish out unparalleled amounts of damage, but with certain subclasses, they have access to crowd control and some survivability. This guide will go over everything players will need to know about all three classes in Destiny 2.

The Titan Class in Destiny 2

Titans are known as the “tank” class of the game. This class sacrifices mobility and recovery for increased resilience. Their class jump is called Lift, and their double jump gives them an extra boost straight up into the air. Their branches have a lot of self-healing and shield recovery which makes Titans a strong class in both PvE (Player vs. Environment) and PvP (Player vs. Player). 

Class Abilities

  • Towering Barricade: Create a large barrier that can be used to reinforce a position with cover from enemy fire.  Rally Barricade: Create a small barrier that allows you to peek over it while aiming down sights, and that instantly reloads your equipped weapon when you take cover.

Void: Sentinal

The Void subclass for Titans is one of the most versatile subclasses in the entire game. With this subclass, players have the option to be tanky, deal tremendous area of effect (AoE) damage, or support the team.

Super Ability - Sentinal Shield: Summon a shield of void light. Can attack, guard, or throw.

Branch 1: Code of the Protector

  • Defensive Strike: Kill an enemy with this melee ability to create an overshield around you and nearby allies. Rallying force: Melee kills restore health for you and nearby allies. Turn the Tide: Your overshield from Defensive Strike lasts longer and increases melee damage and reload speed. Ward of Dawn: When super energy is full, hold R1/RB + L1/LB to create a shielding dome to protect you and your allies.

Branch 2: Code of the Aggressor

  • Shield Bash: After sprinting for a short time, use this melee ability to unleash a devastating Shield Bash that disorients enemies. Superior Arsenal: Grenade kills recharge your grenade energy. In the Trenches: Kills while surrounded by enemies reduce the cooldown of your Super. Second Shield: Gain an additional Shield Throw charge while Sentinel Shield is active.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Code of the Commander

  • Controlled Demolition: Hit a target with a void ability to attach a void detonator. Further hits will cause detonator to explode, dealing damage to surrounding targets. Resupply: You and nearby allies regain health and grenade energy when your void detonators explode. Tactical Strike: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to cause a Void explosion. Banner Shield: Guard with Sentinel Shield to create a defensive wall. Allies who shoot through the wall have increased weapon damage and guarding allies makes the shield last longer.

The name of each branch is fairly self-explanatory and represent each type of playstyle. Protector is more of a tanky option, Aggressor increases the Guardian’s damage output, and Commander provides invaluable support with the Resupply ability. Protector is the most versatile branch of three when it comes to PvE since Ward of Dawn provides good cover as well as increasing the fireteam’s damage.

Solar: Sunbreaker

Super Ability - Hammer of Sol: Summon a flaming hammer and wreak destruction down upon your enemies.

Branch 1: Code of the Fire-Forged

  • Hammer Strike: While sprinting, use this melee ability to swing a blazing hammer that weakens enemies. Tempered Metal: Solar ability kills grant you and nearby allies bonus movement and reload speed Explosive Pyre: Enemies killed by Hammer of Sol explode. Vulcans Rage: Hammers shatter into explosive molten embers on impact.

Branch 2: Code of the Siegebreaker

  • Mortar Blast: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to release a Solar explosion, setting nearby enemies on fire. Sol Invictus: Solar ability kills restore your health. Grenade and melee ability kills leave a deadly Sunspot in their wake. Sun Warrior: Passing through a Sunspot causes your Solar abilities to recharge faster and your Super to last longer. Endless Siege: Hammers create a Sunspot on impact. While standing in Sunspots, you throw hammers faster.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Code of the Devastator

  • Throwing hammer: Throw a hammer from a distance. After throwing it, picking up the hammer fully recharges your melee ability. Roaring flames: Kills with your solar abilities increase those abilities’ damage. Stacks up to three times. Tireless warrior: After hitting an enemy with your Throwing Hammer, picking up the hammer triggers health regeneration. Burning maul: Summon a flaming maul and crush enemies with the force of a quake.

Similar to the Void sublcass, Sunbreaker can deal massive amounts of AoE damage. However, what makes this subclass different is that it sacrifices utility for range. Players can throw hammers from pretty far distances keep them safe from incoming damage. This is especially strong in PvP where players can die much faster.

Arc: Striker

Super Ability - Fists of Havoc: Supercharge your fists and slam the ground with the force of a maelstrom.

Branch 1: Code of the Earthshaker

  • Seismic Strike: After sprinting for a short time, use this melee ability to slam shoulder-first into your target and release an Arc explosion on impact. Aftershocks: Damaging enemies with Seismic Strike recharges your grenade. Magnitude: Gain an additional grenade charge. Increased the duration of grenade effects. Terminal Velocity: Fists of Havoc’s ground slam attack leaves a damage-dealing field in its wake and deals more damage the longer it’s in the air.

Branch 2: Code of the Juggernaut

  • Frontal Assault: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to reload your weapon and increase your weapon stability. Reversal: Melee kills immediately trigger health regeneration. Knockout: Critically wounding an enemy or breaking their shield increases your melee range and damage. Trample: Destroying enemies with Fists of Havoc extends its duration.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Code of the Missile

  • Ballistic Slam: After sprinting, leap into the air and slam into the ground damaging nearby enemies. Impact Conversion: Gain super energy from defeating enemies with Ballistic Slam. Inertia Override: Picking up ammo during a slide reloads your equipped weapon and increases weapon damage for a short time. Thundercrash: Hurl through the air like a missile and crash into enemies.

Like the rest of the subclasses, Striker deals massive amounts of AoE damage. The main difference in this subclass is that it deals the damage all at once, and it doesn’t require the player to run around looking for enemies. Fists of Havoc is best used when enemies are grouped up quite a bit, like in Control for PvP or against waves of ads in PvE.

The Warlock Class in Destiny 2

Warlocks sacrifice Resilience and Mobility for the best Recovery stat among the classes. Their double jump gives them airborne drift, and in some cases a small teleport. Warlocks are very flexible in what they can provide. They have strong support abilities, AoE in PvE, and a ton of burst damage in PvP.

  • Healing Rift: Conjure a well of Light that continuously heals those inside it. Empowering Rift: Conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it.

Void: Voidwalker 

Super Ability - Nova Bomb: Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at the enemy, disintegrating those caught within its blast.

Branch 1: Attunement of Chaos

  • Entropic Pull: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to drain your enemy’s life force and use it to recharge your grenade. Chaos Accelerant: Draw power from your Super to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective. Bloom: Void ability kills cause enemies to explode. Cataclysm: Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early.\

Branch 2: Attunement of Hunger

  • Devour: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to fully regenerate your health. For a short time afterward, kills restore additional health. Feed the void: Consume your grenade energy to regenerate your health. Grants the Devour effect. Insatiable: While the Devour effect is active, killing enemies extends its duration and recharges your grenade. Vortex: Nova Bomb creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside.

Branch 3 (Forsaken):  Attunement of Fission

  • Atomic Breach: This melee ability hits at an extended range and creates a void explosion. Handheld Supernova: Hold to convert your grenade into a short-range void blast on release. Dark Matter: Void ability kills grant health and melee, grenade and class ability energy. Nova Warp: Step between dimensions to subvert the laws of psychics. Sprint to teleport a short distance. Hold and release to unleash a deadly void eruption.

Attunement of Fission is one of the best subclasses for PvP in the entire game. Handheld Supernova homes in on enemy Guardians and will kill them in one hit. This is one of the strongest abilities Warlocks can use in the Crucible. It also allows Warlocks to use their jump ability to teleport which makes them really challenging to hit. Attunement of Hunger is only available with the Forsaken DLC, but is a great choice for PvE. Devour makes Warlocks tankier providing them with even more recovery and Vortex gives them strong AoE crowd control.

Solar: Dawnblade

Super Ability - Daybreak: Weave Solar Light into blades and smite your foes from the skies.


Branch 1: Attunement of Sky

  • Celestial Fire: Send out a spiral of three explosive Solar energy blasts. Winged Sun: Fire weapons, send Celestial Fire, and throw grenades while gliding. Airborne final blows extend the effects of Heat Rises and grant melee energy. Heat Rise: Hold to consume your grenade energy to extend Glide time and improve in-air accuracy. Icarus Dash: Activate while midair to dodge twice.

Branch 2: Attunement of Flame

  • Igniting touch: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to burn them and cause them to explode when killed. Fated for the flame: Daybreak projectiles seek targets as they travel and, upon impact, launch a streak of deadly flames. Everlasting fire:Killing an enemy with Daybreak increases its duration. Phoenix dive: Activate while midair to quickly descend and restore your health. When Daybreak is active, descent causes explosive damage.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Attunement of Grace

  • Divine Protection: Hold to convert your grenade into a Blessing that heals ally targets and drops overshields you and your allies can pick up. Activate Divine Protection while Gliding hover in mid-air. Guiding Flame: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to inflict burn damage and empower yourself and nearby allies. Benevolent Dawn: Healing or empowering your allies regenerates your grenade, melee and Rift energy. Well of Radiance: Thrusts your Daybreak sword into the ground. The sword continuously projects a powerful aura that heals and empowers nearby allies.

While Attunement of Grace is only available with the Forsaken DLC, it is possibly the best support subclass in the entire game. Well of Radiance provides the entire fireteam with incredible healing and overshielding along with massive damage output boosts for everyone inside the well. The other two are solid choices in PvP since Well of Radiance is only strong in PvE, but it is generally better to take the Void subclass into Crucible.

Arc: Stormcaller

Super Ability - Stormtrance: Chain Arc lightning from your hands and electrify enemies with devastating streams of Arc Light.

Branch 1: Attunement of Conduction

  • Chain Lightning: This electrocuting melee ability hits at extended range and chains lightning from the struck target to nearby enemies. Transcendence: When cast with full grenade and melee energy, Stormtrance lasts longer and fully restores health. Arc Web: Enemies damaged by your grenades chain deadly lightning to nearby enemies. Ionic Blink: While in stormtrance press sprint to teleport a short distance.

Branch 2: Attunement of the Elements

  • Rising Storm: This electrocuting melee ability hits at extended range and recharges your super, grenade, and melee energy. Landfall: On casting Stormtrance, fire a bolt of lightning into the ground, creating a devastating shockwave under you. Electrostatic Surge: Your rift charges faster when allies are near. Arc Soul: Your rift now grants you or any ally that uses it an Arc Soul to aid in battle.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Attunement of Control

  • Ionic Trace: Defeating enemies has a chance to create ionic traces. Collecting ionic traces grants energy to all your abilities. Ball Lightning: Fire an Arc projectile that travels forward and releases a perpendicular bolt of lightning. Pulsewave: Being critically wounded triggers an energy wave that boosts yours and allies speed. Chaos Reach: Unleash a long-range beam of concentrated Arc energy. While active, deactivate Chaos Reach early and save super Energy.

The Arc subclass is the best subclass for solid PvE AoE. However, it is overshadowed by both subclasses in either utility or damage. It doesn’t do either particularly well, especially compared to the other classes, but Chaos Reach deals tons of damage to bosses while allowing Guardians to stay at a safe distance.

The Hunter Class in Destiny 2

Hunters sacrifice Resilience and Recovery in favor of mobility. Their class ability is a dodge that can be incredibly useful in many situations. As a class, they deal a crazy amount of damage that can hardly be matched compared to the other classes. They can also provide the team with a lot of utility with the invisibility and crowd control.

  • Marksmans Dodge: Dodge to perform an evasive maneuver with a steady hand. Dodging automatically reloads your weapon. Gamblers Dodge: Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your melee ability.

Void: Nightstalker

Super Ability - Shadowshot: Tether foes to a Void Anchor, slowing, weakening, and suppressing them for you and your allies.

Branch 1: Way of the Trapper

  • Snare Bomb: Throw a Smoke Bomb from a distance with this melee ability. The Smoke Bomb sticks to surfaces and detonates when enemies are near, slowing and disorienting them. Keen Scout: Sprint and Sneak faster, and gain an enhanced Tracker. Tethered enemies are marked for easy tracking. Deadfall: The Void Anchors fired from Shadowshot become traps and wait for prey. Void Anchors have increased range and last longer. Vanishing Step: Dodging makes you vanish from sight for a short time.

Branch 2: Way of the Pathfinder

  • Vanish in Smoke: Throw a Smoke Bomb from a distance with this melee ability. The Smoke Bomb creates a smoke cloud that makes you and nearby allies invisible. Lockdown: Grenade effects last twice as long, allowing for strong territorial control and increased damage potential. Heart of the Pack: Killing tethered enemies creates Orbs of Light, and increases Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery for you and nearby allies. Moebius Quiver: Fire Shadowshot multiple times, in rapid succession. Shadowshot deals massive damage against tethered enemies.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Way of the Wraith

  • Flawless Execution: When your health is full, precision kills grant invisibility, truesight, and increased melee range. Shattering Strike: after performing a Flawless Execution, your melee attacks weaken enemies. Corrosive Smoke: Throw a smoke bomb from a distance with this melee ability. The smoke bomb slows enemies and damages them over time. Spectral Blades: Summon a pair of deadly void blades and stalk the battlefield in a veil of shadows. Press LMB to perform a quick melee attack. Press RMB to perform a heavy attack and once again vanish from sight.

Way of the Trapper or Pathfinder are the premiere subclasses for Hunters in PvE. Way of the Trapper provides Hunter with incredible crowd control with their Super, and while the tethers from Moebius Quiver are weaker, it’s one of the strongest Supers damage-wise in the entire game. Way of the Wraith is generally less useful because of its lack of crowd control and versatility. Having to be in melee range to deal damage can be really difficult to manage in PvE, especially boss fights. However, the invisibility and mobility players gain when using Spectral Blades makes it one of the best PvP Supers that Hunters can use.

Solar: Gunslinger

Super Ability - Golden gun: Summon a flaming pistol that disintegrates enemies with Solar Light.

Branch 1: Way of the Outlaw

  • Proximity Explosive Knife: Throw a knife that attaches to a surface upon impact and explodes when it detects an enemy nearby. Chains of Woe: Precision kills increase weapon reload speed for you and nearby allies. Deadshot: Significantly improves your ability to hit with Golden Gun. Six Shooter: Golden Gun can be fired quickly up to 6 times.

Branch 2: Way of the Sharpshooter

  • Weighted Knife: Throw a knife that deals extra precision damage. Precision knife kills with this melee ability immediately recharge it. Practice Makes Perfect: Enter a trance with each precision hit, reducing the cooldown of your Super. Crowd Pleaser: Precision kills increase weapon stability and handling. Your Super does more damage when cast while this buff is active with 20 or more seconds remaining. Line ‘Em Up: Enables precision damage with Golden Gun. Precision hits with Golden Gun generate Orbs of Light, increase its damage and extend its duration.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Way of a Thousand Cuts

  • Knife Trick: Throw a fan of flaming knives that burn targets on hit. The Burning Edge: While enemies burn, your dodge ability recharges faster. Playing With Fire: Destroying burning enemies recharges Knife Trick more quickly. Blade Barrage: Vault into the air and unleash a volley of Solar-charged explosive knives.

With the changes to the Solar subclasses in the game, Hunters have benefited quite a bit. Way of the Sharpshooter is a great branch to use because of the Practice Makes Perfect and Crowd Pleaser buffs. Way of a Thousand Cuts is also a solid choice for either PvP or PvE. Blade Barrage isn’t as game-changing or flashy as the other Supers in the game, but it has a fast cooldown and can be very strong if used correctly.

Arc: Arcstrider

Super Ability - Arc staff: Form a staff of pure Arc energy and acrobatically take out your foes.

Branch 1: Way of the Warrior

  • Combination Blow: Kill an enemy with this melee ability to trigger health regeneration and increase your melee damage temporarily. Combat Flow: Melee kills recharge your Dodge ability. Deadly Reach: Dodging increases your melee range, allowing you to lunge further to strike enemies. Lethal Current : After dodging, each Arc Staff hit creates a damaging lightning aftershock.

Branch 2: Way of the Wind

  • Disorienting Blow: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to disorient the target and nearby enemies. Focused Breathing: Sprinting recharges your dodge ability. Increased maximum sprint speed. Combat Meditation: While critically wounded, melee and grenades recharge drastically faster. Lightning Reflexes: You are harder to kill while dodging.

Branch 3 (Forsaken): Way of the Current

  • Tempest Strike: After sliding, activate this melee ability to unleash a devastating uppercut attack. Ebb and Flow: Hit a target with an Arc ability to electrify them. Meleeing electrified enemies disorients them and grants grenade, melee and dodge energy. Lightning Weave: Melee hits greatly increase weapon reload speed. Whirlwind Guard: While wielding your Arc Staff, hold down the Block button to deflect incoming projectiles. Deflecting projectiles triples Arc Staff damage for a short time.

Arcstrider is one of the most popular subclasses for Hunters in PvP. Way of the Current kills Guardians almost instantly, and Whirlwind Guard allows players to deflect bullets while using the Super. This gives the subclass some needed defensive abilities.

More: Getting Started in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is available on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.