From the looks of the trailer, the game will be some kind of survival horror, detective style RPG in which the player has to delve into the secrets of an island populated by lurking terrors.

This is probably the best way to go about making a game inspired by the work of H.P Lovecraft, as pretty much all of his stories revolve around an individual who get’s wrapped up in some kind of situation involving unworldly terror, and struggling with their sanity as they see more and more of what they shouldn’t.

If you’ve never heard of the dark lord Cthulhu, he’s pretty much a combination of a dragon, a human, and some kind of octopus/squid type creature. Cthulhu is part of a cosmic pantheon called the Great Old Ones – a group of immeasurably powerful beings from the depths of space who once ruled Earth but fell into deep slumbers.  

This is Cthulhu in his natural habitat.(Credit to Rituartre on Deviantart for the picture.)

Hopefully, Call of Cthulhu will have some cool mechanics involving the player’s sanity, as it plays such a big role in the canon which the game is coming from. The pen and paper RPG game made by Chaosium Inc definitely has some fun stuff involving the player’s grip on reality, and it would be cool to see Cyanide Studios implement similar concepts. 

We can only wonder for now what else will be slithering throughout the game, but the fact that there’s even going to be a next-gen game inspired by the Cthulhu mythos is something for people who love creepy games, and H.P Lovecraft’s stories.

If you want to see some screenshots of Call of Cthulhu, you can check out Cyanide Studios’ website, and if you want to read what source material for the game is from you can read most of H.P Lovecraft’s stories on this collection website.