Yu states one of his goals for Spelunky 2 is to offer a more “personalized adventure” per run, hinting at more variety. You can really see it in the stills he’s shared in the post, as well as a previously revealed trailer.

No longer are you confined to just a mine, a jungle, an ice cave(?) filled with aliens, or Olmec’s temple. New areas await, including what looks like underwater-ish caves, a new spooky forest, and some sort of industrial locale making heavy use of magma and fire in general.

However, the new areas aren’t the only things shown in these screenshots. We can see new conveyor belts, a new shop and NPC, and two new enemies along with familiar faces. Did I mention a mount? Yep, a reliable turkey, which you can see in action in the old trailer above.

Spelunky 2 hasn’t been graced with a release date just yet, but the folks over at Mossmouth have clearly been busy making a worthy sequel to their prolific roguelike. However long it takes, Spelunky 2 is sure to be worth it if you were a fan of the original freeware title or the HD remake.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on Spelunky 2 as it breaks. 

Derek Yu Shares New Spelunky 2 Screens  Details - 63Derek Yu Shares New Spelunky 2 Screens  Details - 53