Last month a youngster young lady was physically attacked before a primary school. The entire occurrence was caught on a surveillance camera and is currently becoming a web sensation via virtual entertainment stages.

The aggressor was subsequently captured b the San Jose police and has been held without bail. Derek Jamal Boykin, 38, pushed the young person facing a dance and endeavored rape on the minor.

Here are full subtleties on the episode and the aggressor in the article underneath.

Who Is Derek Jamal Boykin? Man Arrested For Assault Last month a man went after and endeavored rape on a 17-year-old young lady before a grade school. The man has been captured and distinguished as Derek Jamal Boykin.

Boykin attacked the young lady on March 24th before Stein Beck Elementary School. The observers at the scene quickly leaped to help the young lady and informed the police.

Boykin was captured inside a brief period. The occurrence was caught on a reconnaissance camera and the recording turned into a web sensation via online entertainment stages.

Further subtleties on the occurrence presently can’t seem to be delivered by the specialists. We desire to refresh more data as quickly as time permits.

Derek Jamal Boykin Charges Explained Derek Jamal Boykin has been accused of attack and endeavored assault according to reports. He is being held without bail at Santa Clara County Jail.

Thank you to those who assisted this young victim and provided info leading to Boykin’s arrest.

— San José Police Media Relations (@SJPD_PIO) April 5, 2022

In the event that the spectators present at the scene had not halted Boykin, the episode might have turned out far more atrocious.

The video promptly became a web sensation via virtual entertainment stages as individuals shared it on their separate stages. Albeit the episode was not delivered by the specialists, individuals learned about it through the video coursing on the media.

Afterward, specialists affirmed the video through a tweet and individuals are adulating individuals who helped the young lady on the scene. We desire to refresh more data at the earliest opportunity.