A sum of 323 new instances of dengue fever were accounted for across Sindh as of now, the commonplace wellbeing division said.


The most obviously awful hit region was Karachi, the common capital, which announced 261 new cases, reports Xinhua news office.

The quantity of dengue contaminations in Sindh in September has ascended to 3,917, carrying the neighborhood absolute to 6,486 this year.

Additionally in similar period, 242 additional individuals were determined to have the sickness in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the commonplace wellbeing office revealed.

The quantity of dynamic cases in the region stands presently at 1,614 and the all out number of patients this year has reached 5,506.

Moreover, Punjab announced 229 new cases as of now, the common wellbeing specialists said.

The commonplace capital of Lahore revealed 100 new cases, trailed by Rawalpindi with 86 cases.

The all out number of cases in Punjab this year has now gone up to 3,869.

Pakistan’s capital Islamabad revealed 96 new cases as of now, which expanded absolute number of cases in the city to 1,657.

In the continuous flare-up, a sum of 27 individuals have died up to this point, all in Sindh territory.

The public authority has sent off an enemy of dengue crusade remembering raising public mindfulness for reaction to the alarmingly elevated degree of cases in the nation and has gone to exceptional lengths at the infection areas of interest to control the spread of the illness.