News of a pair of notable Apple personnel changes has emerged today. First on the list is a notable addition to Apple’s online retail store management team. According to his LinkeIn profile, Delta Vice President of Marketing Bob Kupbens has traveled to Apple to become the company’s new Vice President of Online Retail. This move comes at a time in which Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts transitions into Apple’s top retail role as the new Senior Vice President of both retail stores and online retail. Apple’s current online stores VP is Jennifer Bailey, and recent reports have indicated that she is transitioning to lead Apple’s upcoming mobile payments initiative. Perhaps Kupbens is Bailey’s replacement on the online stores front…

Also on the side of online services, TechCrunch reports that Cathy Edwards will be departing Apple on April 11th. Edwards is the co-founder of smartphone app search engine Chomp, and she joined Apple in 2012 when Apple acquired the startup. At Apple, Edwards has served as the Director of Evaluation and Quality for Apple Maps as well as other properties such as the iTunes Store and App Store. Apple likely has several people capable of improving its online services, so Edwards’ departure is not exactly the most notable in recent years. Apple has been working the last several months to prepare an updated version of its Maps app that improves data quality and points of interests.