The average American looks at their phone 52 times a day, up from 47 times last year. That’s one of the findings from the Deloitte 2018 Global Mobile Consumer Survey …

Deloitte also found that almost two-thirds want to reduce that number, reports CNET.

The 63% seeking to reduce their phone usage is up from the 54% reported by a Pew Research study in the summer. Apple has been promoting Screen Time as a way to help people reduce their dependence on the iPhone. I found that an app and notification diet was a great help with my own iPhone.

“This year’s survey really advances the story of smartphones as the true center of our lives, both inside and outside the home,” Kevin Westcott, vice chairman and US telecommunications, media and entertainment sector leader at Deloitte, said in a statement. “The smartphone remains the go-to device for consumers, enabling them to do anything they desire: communicate, work, socialize, consume entertainment, stay fit or take care of things at home.”

Some other interesting snippets from the Deloitte study:

  • Smartwatches now used by 14% of Americans (up 1% on last year)
  • Use of Siri and other intelligent assistants is up 11%
  • Smart speaker ownership has almost doubled, from 12% to 20% of Americans
  • Tablet ownership has fallen from 62% to 57% of Americans

This latter fact is likely due to the continued trend for larger phones, and the fact that many brands are now neglecting the tablet market in response.

Deloitte also found that 60% of Americans now say that 5G will be an important factor in their next smartphone. There is expected to be limited 5G availability next year, while Apple is expected to add 5G capabilities to its 2020 iPhones after further tests next year.

Photo: Shutterstock