A Chinese blog report that claims to reveal the date of the keynote announcing the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus is being picked up by some media outlets. According to the blog, sources inside the Foxconn supply chain have stated that the keynote will take place on Friday 11th September, with the phones going on sale a week later on the 18th.

Leaving aside the uncomfortable anniversary of the Sept 11th attacks and the fact that Apple is extremely unlikely to choose a Friday for its keynote (it generally opts for early in the week, to maximise media coverage prior to new iPhones going on sale), there is the small matter of the source. Foxconn sources may know plenty of things about the design of a new iPhone as we get closer to the launch of a new model, but it is unlikely to know the release date any more precisely than the month, especially this early on.

The date of the keynote will, this far out, be something known to only a limited number of Apple execs in Cupertino and is still likely to be in flux depending on a number of factors. There is no reason Apple would inform anyone at Foxconn.

Mark Gurman exclusively revealed that the iPhone 6S casing will look almost identical to the existing model, but will have a new Qualcomm chip allowing a theoretical doubling of LTE data speeds. Significant changes have been made to the internal design of the device, using fewer, more efficient chips.

We also revealed that the iPhone 6S will include a Force Touch display as per the Apple Watch – likely to be one of the headline features when the phone is announced. An upgraded camera may also take advantage of Force Touch.