Hideo Kojima recently made comments that suggest his upcoming title Death Stranding could be an MMO. When Kojima took the stage at Sony’s press conference in 2016 for E3, he showed the first trailer for Death Stranding, which only showed an enigmatic man, portrayed by actor Norman Reedus, and a lot of weird and abstract imagery. Since that first trailer, Kojima’s fans have waited to get more information about the game, but each trailer after that seemed to leave fans with more questions than answers.

Reedus once stated the concept of the game was “mind-blowing,” and goes beyond what gamers have seen with previous titles. He also mentioned that there were elements of social media, as well as how the game is about a “connecting thing.” Other details about the game revealed that famed director Guillermo del Toro and actor Mads Mikkelsen also star in the title, along with actress Lindsay Wagner. But as to what the game is actually about is anyone’s guess, although there seem to be elements of alternate universes in the story, along with an open world environment.

Now, GamesRadar+ reports that Kojima made comments at the Tribeca Film Festival that suggest Death Stranding could have some kind of multiplayer aspect. Or perhaps he is referring to a co-op element of the game. Maybe the game will combine with social media in a way players haven’t seen before. It’s even possible that Kojima is speaking figuratively, rather than literally. He said:

One thing confirmed by what little players have seen of Death Stranding so far is that the game is beautiful in a way that makes it seem like a work of art. Although Kojima has stated he isn’t deliberately trying to showcase games as art, players cannot deny the dark beauty behind each trailer, nor the talent involved with the project. Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who watched Kojima direct scenes for the game, said that the cutscenes alone would “melt eyeballs.”

“It’s an open-world action game, but it’s really something new. There are so many things happening in the real world - in America, in Europe - everything is actually connected by the internet, but in a way we’re not connected in the real world these days.

“I’m putting that as a metaphor in the game. The player will have to reconnect the world in the game. You’re very alone, there’s solitude, but you’re trying to connect. The story and the gameplay, the key word is ‘connection.’  There are so many things in-between, of course, but the key is connection.

“I also threw in a really new idea. You’re connecting the game, and everyone is playing it together, and you’ll be connected, everyone will be connected together as well. I can’t say anything because Sony will be very unhappy. I don’t want to be disconnected from Sony.”

But when can players finally get their hands on Death Stranding? Although Kojima previously hinted the title might see the light of day in 2019, he also later admitted the game is currently behind schedule. Given the scope and ambition behind Death Stranding, players have no problem waiting patiently for a title that could end up not only giving the industry something new, but something that could also change gaming forever.

More: 15 Unconfirmed 2019 Games We’re Excited To See

Source: GamesRadar+