In Death Stranding, part of the gameplay involves figuring out how to get from point A to point B. But sometimes, the path isn’t easy to figure out. And anyone familiar with Hideo Kojima’s previous games knows that the developer loves to stump players by throwing puzzling scenarios into the mix. That’s why getting to Edge Knot City is more complicated than many players might think.

In Episode 8, Sam acquires a mission that requires him to travel to Edge Knot City. There’s just one big problem: the city is bordered with tar that seems impossible to cross. Kojima has ruled out the usual options of travel: Sam can’t cross it with a remote carrier. He also can’t run across it, even with a speed exoskeleton. There’s no way to boat across. Sam can’t wade in and try to muddle through. Furthermore, signs from other players aren’t generally beneficial. However, Sam is given a clue on how to cross the tar.

After sleeping in a private room, Die Hardman will suggest that Sam has done something similar before, although he can’t remember where. But what exactly is he referring to? Hint: it has something to do with the BTs. When a BT captures Sam, he gets pulled into tar, which drags him away. Then, stronger enemies, in the form of whales, begin to attack him. But there are old buildings, abandoned vehicles and bits of the landscape that peek up out of the tar. Sam can use these as platforms to run away from the whales. Run far enough, and Sam ends up out of danger and back on solid ground.

This is also the key to crossing the tar that borders Edge Knot City. So take everything Sam has learned about staying away from BTs and forget it. In this case, Sam will need to let the BTs catch him. Follow the coastline away from the grassy areas, walking towards the rubble Sam sees in the distance. Sam will eventually end up in an area with BTs. Head straight towards the closest BT and let Sam get caught. This will pull Sam into the tar, where he will get swept away to about the middle of the area.

Eventually, the whales will turn up to chase Sam. Run away from them by using the building ruins, abandoned vehicles and bits of the landscape that jut up and out from the tar. Use those as platforms to head west, while avoiding the whales. Don’t bother to fight: the important thing here is to keep moving. Once Sam moves across the platforms, he’ll see the end of the tar area and will have a clear path to Edge Knot City.

Next: Death Stranding: How to Carry More Weight