Independence Day and Stargate writer/producer Dean Devlin is no longer involved with either sci-fi franchise. Devlin collaborated with Roland Emmerich on a trio of sci-fi films in the 1990s (Universal Soldier, Stargate, and Independence Day), putting both of their names on the map in the process. All three have since given rise to franchises that include multiple film and TV movie sequels for Universal Soldier, multiple TV series spinoffs for Stargate, and a big-budget movie sequel (released twenty years after the fact) for Independence Day.

Jump to the present and all three properties have lost much of their luster. Universal Soldier has been relegated to made-for-cable movie status for awhile, Stargate is returning to TV after Devlin and Emmerich’s Stargate movie reboot trilogy plans fell apart, and the long-awaited followup Independence Day: Resurgence was a box office disappointment two years ago. Devlin hasn’t been directly involved with the Universal Soldier series for some time now, and it sounds like he’s putting his days on the Stargate and Independence Day franchises behind him too.

Devlin has been making the rounds promoting his crime thriller Bad Samaritan of late and he made a stop at The Matthew Aaron Show podcast along the way. When asked by host Matthew Aaron if either Independence Day or the Stargate reboot is still possible, Devlin admitted he doesn’t know. He further indicated that his days of making big-budget fare in general might be over:

“I really don’t know, after Geostorm I really came to the realization that I’m not the kind of guy who should ever work at studios, so I excused myself from both Stargate and from Independence Day, so they may be going forward but I don’t know, I’m not involved anymore.”

During our own recent interview with Devlin, the filmmaker further stressed that he feels he’s done making studio movies:

For those not familiar, the sci-fi natural disaster thriller Geostorm (which Devlin wrote and directed) was something of a disaster itself. The film went through substantial reshoots and earned some pretty brutal reviews when it hit theaters last year. Geostorm officially cost $120 million to make but the actual budget is probably significantly higher. Either way, its $222 million worldwide gross wasn’t enough to cover its expenditures and the whole experience seems to have understandably turned Devlin off of making big-budget studio films for the time being.

“You know, I don’t know what the studio is planning in terms of doing [Independence Day 3] or continuing the franchise, I really have no idea. But if the franchise continues, it will be continuing without me. I really think that my time working at studios is over.”

Devlin confirmed that he has “no plans” for Independence Day 3 earlier this year, but it’s clear that extends to the Stargate reboot and studio tentpoles in general now. The world of blockbusters and audience expectations have both changed substantially since Devlin got his big start in the ’90s, so smaller-budgeted fare and television shows (like his recently-cancelled series The Librarians) might be more creatively satisfying for Devlin now anyway. Since Emmerich also appears to be moving away from big-budget spectacle after the Independence Day sequel, perhaps he and Devlin will find something a little different to collaborate on next instead.

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We will bring you more Independence Day and Stargate-related news as it comes our way.

Source: The Matthew Aaron Show