Never judge a book by its cover - unless it’s the Kama Sutra (then we can be flexible). #DeadpoolOnTheBachelor— Deadpool Movie (@deadpoolmovie) January 5, 2016

Everybody planning to see Ryan Reynolds in the upcoming Deadpool at this point has been trained to expect a few things: violence, vulgarity, and meta-jokes concerning the superhero genre as a whole. While this certainly sums up the appeal of the new film, it also undersells the other aspects of the anti-hero’s solo adventure. Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool may be known throughout the Marvel universe as the Merc With a Mouth, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a heart. He’s cynical, violent, and borderline psychotic, but he has a soft side the film very much wants you to know about.

20th Century Fox has released a new promo on Twitter, which aims to emphasize the more romantic elements of the upcoming Deadpool film. The promo itself is aimed at a rather unexpected audience: fans of The Bachelor.

The promo shows Wade Wilson in full Deadpool garb, alone with a trademark rose from The Bachelor, seductively explaining that Deadpool is not only a superhero movie, but a love story as well. This leads to a trailer of previously seen footage, most of which places emphasis on the relationship between Wade and Vanessa Carlysle, a.k.a. Copycat (Morena Baccarin). The trailer also highlights the would-be hero’s endeavor to rescue his lady love when she finds herself kidnapped by Ajax (Ed Skrein). Accompanying the Tweet is a caption stating, “Never judge a book by its cover - unless it’s the Kama Sutra (then we can be flexible)” – placing further significance on Deadpool’s cheeky, vulgar tone.

Perhaps the most notable thing to take away is the caption about not judging a book by its cover. Thus far, Deadpool has made great use of the idea that this film will subvert audience expectations. Through numerous trailers and promos, Reynolds’ narration has included a phrase more or less stating this isn’t any old superhero movie. In fact, the most recent trailer for the film used this idea to explain why Deadpool commits so many violent acts, while this promo uses it to assert the idea the movie can also serve as a love story.

The promo is a smart move on behalf of the Deadpool marketing team, which has been doing a bang-up job thus far. Given the segment of the population the film has already been pretty much pre-sold to, airing this promo during The Bachelor is a cheeky way to suggest there’s something in it for everyone. And while the ad doesn’t acknowledge the female fans out there who would love to see a Deadpool movie just as much, if not more than an episode of The Bachelor, it does at least jokingly position itself as a possible romantic destination for couples. After all, the movie does come out on Valentines Day weekend.

Deadpool opens in theaters on February 12, 2016, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016; Gambit sometime in 2017; Wolverine 3 on March 3, 2017; and some as-yet unspecified X–Men film on July 13, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Source: 20th Century Fox