Stop the presses! In a truly ground-breaking development, Deadpool and Youngblood creator Rob Liefeld has taken to social media to show, once and for all, that he really can draw feet. And the results speak for themselves.

In the 1990’s, Image founder Rob Liefeld developed a style all his own. Like many artists of the time, Liefeld subjects were extremely muscular, detailed, and abundantly pouched. While Liefeld’s work certainly showed off the impressive physique of characters like Deadpool, the deadly X-Force, and several others, the fact that his subjects’ feet were often left obscured or otherwise blocked soon became a running joke. This lead many critics to attack Liefeld for his supposed inability to draw feet. But now he isn’t just taking the joke – he’s giving hard evidence that it was inaccurate from the very beginning.

Liefeld took his smoking gun to Facebook, “Hi, I’m Rob Liefeld and I have never known Da Feet . . . I mean defeat!!”, following it up with a video displaying the X-Men Beast’s impressive footwork.

In truth, the issues with Liefeld’s aversion to drawing feet, shoes, boots, or any other variation are largely overstated. In addition to the exaggerated poses and physiques, one would normally expect from a ’90s comic, Liefeld’s artwork ofte While Liefeld’s footloose fever drew its fair share of jokes, it’s worth pointing out that Liefeld remained an in-demand artist throughout the nineties and beyond, even illustrating and writing the New 52 relaunch of Hawk and Dove. And all things considered, even the most beautifully rendered feet are rarely ever appreciated. 

Still, Liefeld’s footless figures have taken on a life all their own. In Deadpool 2, Liefeld’s eponymous fourth-wall-breaking-creation laments that Domino’s luck powers were thought up by “a guy who can’t draw feet.” The scene didn’t stop the movie from getting Liefeld’s enthusiastic seal of approval, but its presence in the finished product shows just how widespread Liefeld’s literal Achilles’ Heel is within the comic book community.

Though the evidence is out for all to see, it is extremely unlikely this is the last time Liefeld’s weakness for feet will be brought up. It is also a bit strange that Liefeld didn’t show up a wide variety of feet in the video, choosing instead to focus almost exclusively on Beast’s size 30 stompers. One has to wonder if depicting ginormous and occasionally furry blue feet was really the best way to silence the critics. Still, Rob Liefeld has made great strides in showing off his penchant for paws, well, at least until Deadpool 3 probably makes a joke about it.

More: Netflix & Rob Liefeld Team Up for Extreme Universe Movies

Source: Rob Liefeld (via BleedingCool)