Cable is one of the most famous X-Men characters in history. This recognition is somewhat surprising, given that he’s a relatively new character; he debuted in The Uncanny X-Men #201, which hit the store shelves in 1991. (Nathan Summers, though, debuted in 1986. It’s complicated. For comparison, the X-Men first appeared in 1963. The ‘90s were a risky time for new X-Men characters hoping to stick around; the writers introduced fans to many new members of the team and it’s safe to say that many of these additions crashed and burned. Why, then, has Cable thrived? Was it his looks: the cybernetic arm, the guns and the muscles that encapsulated everything about 90s comics? Or his ability to time-travel and, subsequently, use futuristic technology?

Maybe it’s a combination of these factors, among others. Regardless, Cable has become a fan-favorite character. However, though the writers have made him a successful hero, some of Cable’s characteristics are pretty weird. When you stop to analyze his background, it’s evident that he has one of the most complicated origin stories in recent memory. (That’s why Deadpool 2 only offered a bare-bones version of it.) Then, there’s his power set. Sometimes, Nate is an omega-level mutant. At other points, he’s just a super soldier with fancy tech. Almost everything about the character is weird, from his parents to his body. As a result, CBR has decided to break down the most questionable things about Cable by providing a list of the top 20 things about him that don’t make any sense.


Cable’s parentage is weird and, throughout the list, we’ll fully explain just how wacky his upbringing was. Here, let’s take a moment to scrutinize just how odd his mother, Madelyne Pryor, is. At first, she was a fairly normal character but, after she joined forces with the demon N’astirh, she became a bonafide super-villain.

Cable’s place in this devolution is particularly notable; Madelyne initially made a deal with the devil (figuratively speaking) to save her son from Mister Sinister. But, shortly thereafter, she tried to sacrifice the boy in order to serve N’astirh’s agenda. The whole affair was pretty confusing and questionable at best.


Cable’s from the future. (Technically. It’s a long story.) He’s sent 2000 years into the future because Mother Askani, who’s actually his half-sister, Rachel, wanted to protect him. Askani’s place in Cable’s backstory, in hindsight, foreshadowed the extent to which Marvel would continue to play with alternate timelines. (Both with Cable and the X-Men in general.)

As with other characters, Cable’s relationship with Earth-616’s Rachel would always have a weird vibe, at least for Nathan, given that he knew her as someone else. Ah, time travel; isn’t it wonderful? To some extent, sending characters backwards/forwards in time is practically guaranteed to be complicated and Cable’s entire origin story is a prime example of that.


It’s easy to say that Cable’s a time-traveling soldier from the future; the description has a nice ring to it. But Nathan Summers was actually born in the modern day and subsequently sent forward in time. As previously mentioned, Cable time-travels more than Barry Allen in The Flash and it can be a little confusing.

There may not be a character more associated with the time-stream than Cable; at the very least, he has to be near the very top of the list. Thankfully, in some ways, Marvel has eased up on this aspect of Cable’s character; as with most comics, it was a lot worse in the ‘90s.


Most fans know that Cable is Scott Summers’ son. There’s often an assumption that, therefore, Jean Grey is Nathan’s mom. This argument is technically true. Scott fathered the future Cable with Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean. (Mister Sinister made the clone so he could manipulate the creation of a mutant with Scott’s and Jean’s genes.)

Looking back at it now, it seems like having Madelyne as Nathan’s mom wasted plenty of storytelling potential. Sure, there are still tender moments between Nate and his “parents,” Scott and Jean. But these stories would resonate so much more if Cable was actually their son. Instead, there will always be some emotional distance in this triangle.


Cable is actually one of the most powerful mutants in Marvel. But it can be pretty hard to tell because Marvel often restricts his access to his abilities. For a while, Nathan couldn’t use his full powers because a significant portion of his energy was devoted to fighting his techno-organic virus. (More on that later.)

At one point, Cable used the Dominus Objective to access a lot of the world’s technologically-shared information. At his best, Nathan is an immensely powerful telepath with impressive telekinetic skills. But, as seen in Deadpool 2, sometimes he’s portrayed as a (mostly) powerless soldier with technology that lets him time-travel.


Cable is arguably an embodiment of ‘90s comics. He’s got a “cool” cybernetic arm, he (sometimes) is depicted as an impossibly muscular character, and he has an affinity for guns. To top it all off, he has an evil clone because… why not? This clone, Stryfe, is Cable’s worst enemy. The villain has wreaked havoc on Nathan’s life; he destroyed Cable’s family and continues to be a thorn in his side.

Few Marvel rivalries have been so bitterly personal but some fans disapprove of the cliched evil clone storyline. At the very least, Marvel has found ways to make it interesting and Stryfe, at times, is placed at the center of the X-Men universe.


Cable and Wolverine are two of the most famous X-Men of all time and they’re both beloved characters. Both heroes fit the anti-hero archetype that started becoming quite popular in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Naturally, in one storyline, Marvel made Nathan and Logan the same person. (Technically.) After battling Apocalypse, Wolverine lost his arm. (Note: Cable lost an arm, too.)

The battle left Logan broken because he lost his healing factor and the X-Men were decimated. Like Nathan, Wolverine kept battling Apocalypse and returned to the past. There, looking a lot like Cable, he revealed his true identity. The whole story further proved how similar these two characters were.


Cable really can’t catch a break. He already has to deal with time-travel tomfoolery all the time and his mom tried to sacrifice him to a demon. So, when Nathan finally gets to fall in love, fans hope that things will work out for the best. Unfortunately, it never does. Both of Cable’s marriages ended in heartbreak. Then, naturally, when he met Domino and eventually formed feelings for her, things went sideways.

Nathan and Domino bonded and slowly began trending toward a romantic relationship. Domino, who was Copycat in disguise, forced things along and it took Nate a while to catch on. Since this ordeal ended, Domino and Cable have never had a solid run as a couple. (Thanks, Copycat.)


When Deadpool is involved, shenanigans are typically abound. Plenty of things about Cable are just plain weird. So, they make a great pair. The time he regurgitated Deadpool after absorbing him might just take the cake, though. During the “If Looks Could Kill” storyline, both Cable and Deadpool are infected with a virus that turns them blue.

Cable, to save them both, absorbs the Merc with A Mouth and throws him back up. (The whole episode is pretty illogical.) Then, to make matters even more strange, Cable altered the virus so that it turned him pink and reversed the effects just to demonstrate how powerful he is. Show off!


Have we mentioned that Cable is inherently linked to time-travel? Beyond frequently playing with the time-stream, Marvel also likes to play with the character’s age. In Cable & Deadpool #17, the Merc with a Mouth has to save Nathan, who’s been turned into a baby, from Mister Sinister.

The villain uses Deadpool’s powers to accelerate Nathan’s aging process which, ironically, allows Cable to defeat Sinister. More recently, Marvel fans met an angsty, teenage version of Cable in Extermination, where the younger version of Nathan takes out his older self. Teen Cable is now a leading figure in a new X-Force series and it seems like he’ll be around for a while.


When Deadpool and Cable team up, something usually goes wrong. Sure, they’re one of beloved most beloved pairs in comics but, at some point, shouldn’t Cable say “enough is enough?” Deadpool has crossed Cable, lobotomized him (at Cable’s request,) and, even when he doesn’t mistreat Cable directly, he’ll revert to his villainous ways. (For example, in Secret Empire, the Merc with a Mouth sided with “Stevil” Rogers and took out Phil Coulson.)

Cable’s not a saint either but, for a guy with plenty of allies, it’s surprising that he continues to team up with Deadpool. (Though Deadpool 2 handled their relationship quite well, as Wade Wilson proved his worth.)


Cable and his allies often find themselves at odds with the X-Men. These disagreements stem from a number of causes. But, at one point, Cable was framed for the untimely end of Professor X, which planted some stubborn seeds of discord. In “The X-Cutioner’s Song”, Stryfe infects Xavier with the techno-organic virus. Given that Stryfe is Cable’s clone, it’s natural that the X-Men confused the two.

At another point, Cable takes on all the Avengers in an attempt to stop a dark future. A time cop’s work is never finished. A lot of the time, Cable seemingly crosses the line into villainy but, in reality, he’s an antihero who’s trying to do the right thing.


Leave it a character as weird as Cable to have have more than one clone. Typically, Stryfe is the one with more staying power but, recently, Nate Grey, or X-Man, has become a central figure in X-Men comics. Nate Grey rose to relative fame during the “Age of Apocalypse” event.

Having a not-so-evil clone isn’t so bad but it’s still pretty confusing. After all, Cable and X-Man are the same person, for all intents and purposes, and they struggle to agree as to which one of them is the “real” Nate. X-Man is actually the product of a combination of Scott’s and Jean’s DNA. Overall, this relationship isn’t the weirdest thing about Cable but it’s strange nonetheless.


Early on, Cable was caught between two super-villains; Mister Sinister orchestrated his creation so he could take down Apocalypse. The First Mutant, when he learned of Cable’s existence, infected him with a techno-organic virus. Nate Summers managed to survive and a classic rivalry was born. Cable went so far as to travel back in time to give Apocalypse the very same virus.

Cable has kept it at bay but fans have seen how horrible the virus can be; it totally consumed Cable in Avengers: X-Sanction. Overall, Nate’s ability to control the virus varies. Hope Summers expelled it from Cable’s body but, like a cold, it keeps coming back.


Given that he came to the present from the future, Cable has access to a lot of technology that notably exceeds anything modern society has produced. One of Cable’s most famous tools is Belle, the AI in his cybernetic arm. Belle augments Cable’s ability to transfer his mind to different times/places and she also helped him find the source of a widespread plague.

Belle can also erase herself, as she did when Red Skull tried to take control of Cable’s cybernetics. Belle continues to prove she’s invaluable to Cable and the sky’s the limit for this sentient AI, who resides on Cable’s arm in the form of a tattoo.)


Maybe it’s inevitable with someone who’s job, explicitly or otherwise, it so protect the timeline, but Cable thinks pretty highly of himself. When Nate Summers finally gained access to his full power-set, he capitalized by trying to make his own utopia.

He also threatened the world and its leaders when he came close to throwing all the nukes into the sun. Cable became too powerful for his own good and it brought him into conflict with most of his super-powered brethren. All in all, the power went to Cable’s head and the whole episode wasn’t a good look for Nate. After all, no one man can really rule the world.


During the House of M event, the mutants of Marvel were affected on all fronts and Cable was no exception. He went missing, and Deadpool and his allies had to hunt for Nate throughout various dimensions. Fans met various versions of Cable and the most memorable one was Baby Nate. The infant was in Mister Sinister’s care, which is a sign of sure trouble. After the Regenerating Degenerate saved the baby, Nate began to age again but he spent most of his energy repairing Deadpool’s mind.

Nate was temporarily stuck as a teenager before he was ultimately restored to his usual (mysterious) age. The whole saga was a whirlwind affair for Nate.


We can’t overstate just how weird Scott Summers’ relationship with Madelyne Pryor is. Scott fell in love with her and chose to ignore her uncanny resemblance to his recently deceased significant other, Jean Grey. It’d be one thing if Madelyne happened to look a little like Jean. But they’re clones.

Mister Sinister created Madelyne just so Scott would love her and create a mutant baby with their powerful genes. (Thanks to retcons, the story gets even more complicated.) To make matters worse, Scott treated Madelyne horribly, even before she became a super-villain. Parenting pro tip: check yourself before you fall in love with a clone of your ex.


Like most of Cable’s characteristics, his power set is pretty confusing. He’s a telepath but those abilities weren’t really apparent until he was sent to the future. At his best, Nate is one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe, with telepathy comparable to that of Jean Grey and he also has telekinesis. Plus, he can teleport and he has superhuman strength and durability.

But, in recent years, the character has been dulled down; fans rarely see the omega-level side of Cable anymore. Maybe it’s for the best; with full access to his powers, Cable developed a god complex, convinced that he alone could save the world. Maybe, someday, Cable will learn how to successfully wield the full extent of his awesome abilities.


One of the downsides of frequently traveling through the time-stream, and being rapidly aged/de-aged, is a lack of certainty in regards to Cable’s age. Nobody really knows how old he is. He was born in the present, shipped to the future and he continues to time-travel as he pleases.

By most appearances, Nathan Summers looks like he’s a healthy 50 or so. But, when you consider that, at various points, he’s been turned into a baby and a teenager, it becomes more difficult to accurately guess his age. Maybe it’d be beneficial to look at the only live-action version we have: Josh Brolin, who played Cable in Deadpool 2, is 51, so that age arguably seems appropriate for that of the general character’s.