Fan art is a cultural phenomenon that allows artists to geek out over other artists’ work to the joy of fans who might not be as creatively gifted. One of the most beloved fan artists is BossLogic, who boasts a following of 45.5K and blesses audiences with illustrations of what could be. Perhaps most notable are BossLogic’s depictions of actors who are rumored to be in consideration for roles in upcoming films, recently depicting Megan Fox as Poison Ivy via a rumor circling Gotham City Sirens, or Emma Stone as Batgirl after her Oscar win.

Last year, 20th Century Fox hit critical and box office gold with Deadpool, starring Ryan Reynolds as the fan-favorite Merc with a Mouth. Although a sequel hadn’t yet been given the green light, a post-credits teaser revealed the filmmakers already had plans to include the mutant Cable. Recently, it was reported that Stranger Things’ actor David Harbour tested for Cable, though an official casting announcement hasn’t been made.

With Deadpool 2’s growing buzz and anticipation, BossLogic recently released artwork teasing David Harbour as Cable. The excitement for the Deadpool and Cable team-up in Deadpool 2 is building thanks to Deadpool’s post-credits scene, in which the Merc with a Mouth teased who could land the role, with suggestions like Mel Gibson, Dolph Lundgren, and Keira Knightley. Take a look at what Harbour could look like as Cable:

While Keira Knightley would be a great choice, there are rumors of other actors in the running. The role is said to be down to the last rounds of casting, and while there is no confirmation, speculations have named Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, and Pierce Brosnan in addition to Harbour. Harbour is known for his recent work as Jim Hopper on Netflix’s Stranger Things and Dexter Tolliver in Suicide Squad. His other notable credits include State of Affairs, The Newsroom, and The Equalizer to name a few.

Cable is the adult son of the X-Man Cyclops who was sent to the future to train as a warrior, and then sent back in time to prevent the apocalypse from happening.  In the comic series, Cable and Deadpool (2004-2008), Nathan Summers (i.e. Cable) teams up with Deadpool, a mercenary for hire, to complete his mission. The duo is a hilarious pair, with Cable’s no-nonsense attitude and Deadpool’s, well, mostly nonsense attitude. 

BossLogic’s depiction of Cable is as brooding and powerful as he appears in the comics, and Harbour seems to fit the bill. Regardless of who plays the role, it is exciting to see Cable brought to life, even if it is purely fantasy at this point. The film is set to premiere in 2018 and is directed by David Leitch, who was a co-director on John Wick, and specializes in stunts (with credits in Fight Club, 300, and The Borne Identity franchise). With the release date approaching, Deadpool 2 should be gearing up for production soon, and hopefully more casting details will emerge within the coming weeks.

Next: Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer Released Online

Source: Twitter

  • Wolverine 3 Release Date: 2017-03-03 Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18