Actor Stefan Kapičić, who will be reprising the role of the X-Man Colossus in Deadpool 2, said that he found working on the sequel to be “really a pleasure”. The first Deadpool movie went on to become the second-highest grossing R-rated film of all time after The Passion of The Christ, despite early reluctance by Fox Studios to take a chance on a film based on the famously ribald Marvel Comics anti-hero.

Kapičić’s comments come hot on the heels of the release of the first trailer for Deadpool 2. The trailer reveals that in addition to Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (the two X-Men who appeared in the first Deadpool movie), the film will feature Domino, Cable and at least three other Marvel Comics’ characters. It has also been confirmed that one of these three mystery characters in the trailer will be played by actor Terry Crews.

The actor’s comments came during an interview with LRM Online. In addition to discussing his feelings on the sequel, Kapičić spoke about the differences between working with director David Leitch (director on Deadpool 2) and working with Tim Miller, who was the director of the original Deadpool:

“David is a beautiful director, and you can never compare directors, because they all have their own signature to directing. To me it was a beautiful experience working with Tim, and Tim’s my friend. On the other side, I met David a year ago, and started working with him. Working with David is such a pleasure, because he’s such a clever and fast guy. He’s really a master of his job. I learned so many things from both of those directors. And, I mean, David did like John Wick and Atomic Blonde, two movies I really love, so it was really a pleasure.”

David Leitch took over the directing duties on Deadpool 2 after Tim Miller left reportedly over creative differences with Ryan Reynolds, who is a producer on the upcoming film as well as its star. Supposedly, Miller wanted to push the studio for a bigger budget in the wake of the first film’s success. Reynolds, by contrast, was reluctant to alter the relatively low-budget aesthetic of the first movie, perhaps mindful of the old adage about how, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The parting of ways was amicable, however, and Miller is currently hard at work on the next Terminator movie.

Deadpool 2 is poised to become as a respectable hit (in so far as anything involving Deadpool can be said to be respectable) with comics fans and general audiences alike. The release of the “Deadpool, Meet Cable” trailer this week prompted near universal acclaim online, and has spawned fresh fan theories that the upcoming sequel will set up the X-Force movie. The one certainty in all this speculation is that Deadpool 2 will go even further in pushing the boundaries of what people can expect from a superhero movie.

More: Here’s Why Fox Delayed the Deadpool 2 Trailer

Source: LRM Online

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18 X-Men: Dark Phoenix Release Date: 2019-06-07 New Mutants Release Date: 2020-08-28