Deadpool 2 added Josh Brolin’s Cable to its movie universe… but what if it recast the future Wolverine at the same time? Not the version of Logan that fans know from the current X-Men movies, played by Hugh Jackman, but one pulled from a comic book story far closer in spirit to the time-travel/world-saving plot of the Deadpool brand.

Even with Josh Brolin playing both Thanos and Cable, his grizzly performance will convince fans that Brolin would have - or could still - make the perfect Wolverine, Batman.. or any of the other roles fans have suggested in the past. But we’ve got a theory that Fox has already made that wish come true: introducing a new Wolverine, played by Brolin, pulled from the distant future.

Sure, he’s still going by the name “Cable” for now. But the movie supports the theory that this isn’t the version of Cable everyone expected. And if Fox plays their cards right (or Marvel, should the X-Men rights join the MCU), this future Wolverine-Cable could finally push the X-Men series to new heights. Trust us, the pieces are more in place than ever before.

  • This Page: Why Cable as Old Wolverine Makes More Sense Page 2: How Wolverine-Cable Can Finally End The X-Men Movies

Last updated: February 5, 2019

Cable Was Wolverine From The Future In The Ultimate Comics

It might seem like a crazy idea for Deadpool 2’s Cable to be Logan; Hugh Jackman is done playing Wolverine, and a new, younger version of the hero is going to be recast (which means casting the much older version leaves wiggle room while still enjoying Logan’s strengths). But in the actual Marvel Comics fiction, the future superhero known as ‘Cable’ actually was an older, cyber-eyed, metal-armed Wolverine.

That’s how it happened in the Ultimate universe, the parallel reality that has influenced the designs and stories of both the X-Men and MCU so far. And for those who know the story of that Wolverine-Cable, you could argue that the version in Deadpool 2 falls an awful lot closer than to the original Cable, son of Cyclops and Jean Grey’s clone.

And believe us, the similarities are more than just skin deep.

This version of Cable obviously looks the part for the movie, but even Brolin’s characterization resembles an older take on Logan. The chip on the shoulder for a wife and child lost, the biting sense of humor, and unapologetically emotionless demeanor (giving way to real heart) are all echoes of Logan’s comic history. And no, the lack of claws in Deadpool 2 doesn’t mean anything - in his Ultimate X-Men debut, Cable explained he rarely pops the claws anymore.

He instead relies on his knowledge of the future, arriving in the modern day to kill an innocent mutant before they can ruin the world. Sound familiar? But the fact that the Wolverine-Cable’s dialogue and Brolin’s movie lines could be swapped without issue is just the start of the evidence.

Deadpool 2’s Cable Is Too Weak To Be The “Real” Nathan Summers

Don’t get us wrong, the Cable in Deadpool 2 is equal parts formidable and badass… but he’s still a long way short of the Cable in the comics. For starters, as the movie jokes, he’s nowhere near as physically large as the almost 7-foot-tall Cable. Deadpool calls out this break from the comics due to Brolin’s 5'11" height. Which, coincidentally, is right around the size and build of Wolverine if we’re talking comic book lore.

But the techno-organic virus which turns half of Cable’s body to metal also grants him superstrength on almost unparalleled levels. Not only can he move faster than speedsters, he can lift tons and strike with the same force. He’s also nearly invulnerable. So to see him matched and even bested by Wade Wilson, and punctured with a pen by Russell alone shows he’s nowhere near the hero of the comics.

Then there’s the issue of his most iconic superpowers… none of which Cable has in Deadpool 2.

As the child of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, Cable is an “Omega-Level Mutant,” one of the most powerful to have ever existed. He has psychic powers to read minds around the world, glimpse the future, and form psionic shields and attacks that could cripple even resilient enemies. He’s also telekinetic, able to move himself, allies, and enemies in defiance of physics or gravity. Oh, and his eye allows him to sense mutants and their powers psychically.

He’s overpowered, sure. But the Cable seen in Deadpool 2 isn’t just a powered-down version… he shares little in common with the comic character’s actual power set or abilities. Instead, it seems that Cable has had his arm and body parts replaced with cybernetic upgrades, able to launch gadgets, tap into computer systems, and rely on enhanced strength and combat skills to fight. And a metal skeleton to survive devastating impacts.

Simply put, the Deadpool 2 Cable acts like a Wolverine who has lost his healing ability, and relies on weapons, durability, and an upgraded arm to complete his mission. That’s the future Wolverine version from top to bottom. But it’s Cable’s actual mission that gets our hopes up.

Not only does it match the Wolverine-Cable’s goal, but could lead to an epic X-Men crossover that’s been building for years.

Page 2 of 2: How Deadpool 2’s Cable Being Wolverine Can Finally End The X-Men Movies

In The Comics, Wolverine-Cable Has a Secret Mission

The arrival of the future Wolverine’s Cable in the Ultimate X-Men comic wasn’t just for the sheer cool factor of the story, but a larger plot from writer Robert Kirkman. Upon his arrival, Cable revealed that he intended to kill Charles Xavier to save the future that he helped destroy. Finding it impossible to believe such a twist, the other X-Men fought back, but Cable was too advanced to be taken down easily.

Soon after appearing to have killed Xavier along with himself, the truth was revealed. Cable had returned Xavier to his future, to prove how things had gone so horribly wrong - and how Charles was the only one who could help him prevent it. As Cable trained with Xavier in the future (with even “Chuck” eventually calling Logan by his new name), Bishop was stranded with the X-Men of the present day.

At first, Bishop and Cable had fought, with the latter stranding the former in their mutual past. Until that truth was also revealed: their plan was working in tandem. Bishop united the X-Men into the unit they needed to be, as Cable prepared Charles for the finishing attack. But it’s WHO they were being trained to defeat that is most exciting for the X-Men movie universe.

Deadpool 2’s Cable Being Wolverine Pays Off Everything X-Men Movies Have Been Doing

That’s right, it was the return of Apocalypse that brought the Earth to its total destruction, even though the X-Men believed they had already vanquished him for good. But after years spent augmenting his own abilities, Nathaniel Essex a.k.a. Mr. Sinister became a new vessel for Apocalypse to inhabit. A plan that, at least the first time around, worked to perfection (seeing Wolverine’s arm torn clean off, and his healing ability removed to become Cable).

Cable arrived with Charles Xavier just in time, but it was only Jean Grey who actually saved the day. Embracing the Phoenix Force that she had kept at bay, and allowing it to consume her completely, she defeated Apocalypse. The world was saved, Sinister’s plans were finally finished, and the timeline was set right - removing Bishop and Cable from existence.

Without overstating the likelihood of our theory, that story would deliver a more satisfying and singular payoff than the one fans have come to expect (if there even is a larger roadmap beyond X-Men: Dark Phoenix).

Run down the details: X-Men: Apocalypse established the villain’s threat level, while also teasing Jean Grey’s true powers (and having Apocalypse’s energy dissipate to unknown places upon his “death”). The “Essex” name has been teased in Apocalypse, now Deadpool 2, and soon even Dark Phoenix as the malevolent group harvesting mutant DNA.

And finally, a future soldier named “Cable” who falls incredibly close to the Ultimate Wolverine version arrives to save the future. Well, first save his family, but the final scene sees him agree to stick around and see what he can change.

Keeping in mind that the Ultimate version of Cable lies through his teeth from the very beginning to unite heroic mutants, and Deadpool 2’s feel-good ‘family’ finale suggests things worked out exactly the way Cable intended. Before Deadpool resets his own move timeline, of course.

The stories honestly write themselves, with Dark Phoenix introducing Jean’s dangerous cosmic powers, along with the mysterious Essex endgame. Build off of Deadpool 2 to see Cable lead an X-Force movie of heroes prepared for war, and audiences will be begging to see an X-Men movie crossover.

If that crossover is the same one the Wolverine-Cable brought with him, the studio has the world at their fingertips. A temporary fix of Wolverine that isn’t tied to any younger actor. And best of all, a massive, franchise-justifying showdown that actually concludes the X-Men movies completely, while resetting the timeline for a fresh start. Say, a new beginning in the MCU?