• This Page: The Big X-Force Hitters

Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds

2016’s Deadpool successfully launched this R-rated corner of the X-Men universe, so it’s very much appropriate Deadpool takes charge. In fact, according to the trailer he’ll actually be the one to give the team the “X-Force” name. In what seems to be a common thread, Domino looks at him askance and asks if that’s “a little derivative.” Naturally, for Deadpool, that’s exactly the point. It’s a typically hilarious break-the-fourth-wall moment.

Deadpool has been a member of several X-Force teams over in the comics (and even briefly an Avenger). But he’s usually portrayed as the random, mercurial character who’s driving the team leader insane. The idea of Wade Wilson as a leader is a seriously entertaining one. If Deadpool remains in charge by the film’s close (by no means guaranteed), it’s possible X-Force will essentially become Deadpool 3.

Watch: Deadpool Auditions For The Avengers

Domino - Zazie Beetz

It wouldn’t be X-Force without Domino. In the comics, this lithe mercenary has been a core member of most X-Force teams. She’s a sleek, sexy femme fatale with the power to manipulate probability. Things just have a habit of falling into place for Domino, and the odds are most definitely against her opponents; as shown in the trailer, Domino is a martial arts ace with an attitude. Given she is traditionally an ally of Cable, it’s possible that she’ll switch sides during the course of the film.

Deadpool 2 has dramatically redesigned Domino, ditching her traditional albino look. From what little we’ve seen, though, the character’s core concepts - her sexiness and her skills - appear to be unchanged. The final trailer but big focus on her power of luck, with her consistently escaping seemingly impossible threats.

Cable - Josh Brolin

The trailers have set up Josh Brolin’s Cable as the villain of the piece, but that’s clearly not going to last. Cable is one of the X-Men’s most popular heroes, a powerful telepath and telekinetic who suffers from a deadly techno-organic virus. His origin is pretty convoluted; Cable is actually the son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor, and was sent to the future in order to save his life. He returned to the past in order to change history, and he’s gradually become one of Marvel’s most prominent time-travelers.

Deadpool 2 promises to exploit a classic superhero trope; the first time the heroes meet, they fight over a misunderstanding of some kind. Given this film stars Deadpool, it seems likely Wade is the one suffering from the misunderstanding.

Read More: Everything You Need To Know About Cable

Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Brianna Hildebrand

Comic book fans tend to insist that the source material be treated with a degree of reverence. It’s ironic, then, that one of the most-praised superhero films of the last few years actually took dramatic licenses with one of its core characters. The Negasonic Teenage Warhead of the comics is traditionally very different to the one played by Brianna Hildebrand. Fox actually had to strike a deal with Marvel to allow them to change her so dramatically. Ironically, it wouldn’t take Marvel long to switch Negasonic’s powerset up in the comics too.

Hildebrand’s character was tremendously popular, and fans were hardly surprised to see her reprising the role. It looks as though she’ll remain one of the film’s major stars.

Colossus (Maybe) - Stefan Kapičić

It’s actually uncertain whether or not Stefan Kapičić’s Colossus will join Deadpool’s X-Force team. Although he has served in one iteration of X-Force in the comics, his idealistic nature makes him an uncomfortable fit for the black-ops group. Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that none of the “team” scenes show Colossus alongside the X-Force members; he’s shown being beaten by Cable in the final trailer, so it’s possible him being out of commission is what brings X-Force together

Bedlam - Terry Crews

When Terry Crews was revealed to be in Deadpool 2 by an early trailer, fans immediately began to speculate as to who he could be playing; the most popular guess was G.W. Bridge, a mercenary who actually became something of an X-Force antagonist. However, as revealed in later marketing, he’s actually playing Bedlam.

In the comics, Bedlam is an ally of Domino’s who can generate a powerful bioelectrical field; this disrupts anything electronic or electrical around him. He initially needed to touch a machine in order to disrupt it, but Pete Wisdom trained him to achieve this at a distance. It would certainly make sense for Deadpool to seek out an ally with this powerset - Cable has a cyborg arm, after all - although nothing we’ve seen of Crews in the trailer suggests he has these powers in the movies.

Shatterstar - Lewis Tan

Shatterstar has been one of Deadpool 2’s biggest mysteries. Stefan Kapičić has confirmed that the mutant was indeed in Deadpool 2, but it took a long time for confirmation that Iron Fist’s Lewis Tan was playing the role after he was spotted in the background of several shots.

He made his proper debut in the final trailer, shown as one of Deadpool’s initial X-Force recruits, although it’s still unclear how closely he’ll follow the comics. The costume is clearly identifiable, but Shatterstar’s origin - which involves both time-travel and alternate dimensions - is far too complex to absorb into the movie with ease.

Rictor (Possibly) - Bill Skarsgard

The first trailer led to speculation that IT star Bill Skarsgaard could actually appear in the film. That’s now confirmed, with the second trailer putting focus on the actor. It’s unclear which character Skarsgaard is playing, but the color scheme of his outfit suggests he could be X-Force’s Rictor. Rictor is able to generate powerful vibrational waves, blasting enemies off their feet and triggering destructive earthquakes. He was a member of the first X-Force team.

Curiously enough, Rictor is also one of Marvel’s few prominent gay characters; he’s well-known for his relationship with X-Force colleague Shatterstar. Given Shatterstar is confirmed to appear in Deadpool 2, it’s possible this could actually be a plot point.

Pete Wisdom - Rob Delaney

Perhaps the weirdest addition to X-Force is someone without any powers at all: Rob Delany plays someone known only as “Peter” who signs up because it’s something to do. With the exception of Colossus, the only “Peter” who’s ever been a member of X-Force is Pete Wisdom. He’s a British mutant with the power to generate and throw plasma blades. A top secret agent, Wisdom works for Britain’s MI13, who police mutant and supernatural affairs. Wisdom is a long-term ally of the X-Men (and one of Kitty Pryde’s exes).

Evidently, Fox is switching things up. The character’s Twitter profile suggests it is Wisdom, but he’s a far cry from the mutant comic fans know. This would have a knock-on effect for Bedlam, given their comic connection.

??? - Shioli Kutsuna

In June last year, it was revealed that Shiori Kutsuna would be joining Deadpool 2 in what was described as “a key part.” Kutsuna is best known for her work in indie films and Japanese productions, but her role remains shrouded in mystery. The trailer gave some stunning scenes of Kutsuna in action, and she clearly wears an “X” on her shoulder. That means she’s definitely a member of the X-Men, and comes along for the ride with Negasonic Teenage Warhead. As for who she is, that’s unclear. Rumors suggest she’s a brand new mutant character, but those are just that: rumors.

Next: Predicting Fox’s 2019 and 2020 Marvel Movies

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18 New Mutants Release Date: 2020-08-28 X-Men: Dark Phoenix Release Date: 2019-06-07