Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Deadpool 2


Surprising no one, Deadpool 2 is packed with a non-stop barrage of hilarious jokes, one-liners and sight gags. In 2016, Deadpool arrived on the big screen, a non-stop whirlwind of R-rated comedy that had its audiences eagerly awaiting the sequel. Now Deadpool 2 has arrived and it’s packed full of even more jokes, if that were humanly possible.

From subtle gags that only some factions of the audience would have understood to the many, many, many Marvel digs, Deadpool 2 is relentless in its humor, and no movie franchise is safe. Here are our picks for the best jokes and one-liners.

  • This Page: Hugh Jackman, Rob Liefeld, and Taylor Swift Page 2: The Basic Instinct Moment, the Many Marvel Jokes, and More

The Opening Credits

Right off the bat, Deadpool 2 goes in for the kill. You may recall that in Deadpool credits, the writers were referred to as “the real heroes.” In Deadpool 2, they’re listed as “the real villains,” in reference to the rather shocking opening featuring the death of a much-loved character. Director David Leitch comes under fire too, as one of the guys responsible for killing John Wick’s dog. Deadpool is “obviously someone who doesn’t like sharing the spotlight.” Oh, and apparently Blind Al was in charge of the movie’s cinematography.

Rob Liefeld Takes a Few Hits

Staying behind the scenes for a moment, there’s also an excellent gag aimed at Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld. When Deadpool is ranting about Domino’s superpower being luck, he ends his tirade by insisting that her power must have been created by “someone who can’t draw feet.” This is a common criticism of Liefeld’s eccentric drawing style, and one which will certainly make fans laugh if they catch the reference. The gag didn’t stop there, though. Deadpool also calls out Liefeld for his pouch fetish (he drew a lot of pouches, thinking it was cool).

Hugh Jackman Is The Butt Of So Many Jokes

If we listed all of the Hugh Jackman/ Wolverine gags, we’d be here forever, so we’re grouping them all in one entry. Digs at Wolverine include an amazing post-credits scene where present-day Deadpool travels back in time to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, to stop it from happening, and a musical toy that Wade owns, which features a dead Wolverine spinning around.. However, our favorite dig at Jackman is so subtle that a lot of people will have missed it altogether. A keen musical theater actor, Jackman played Jean Valjean in the 2012 cinematic adaptation of Les Miserables. Valjean’s prison number is 24601, and in Deadpool 2, when Deadpool is outlining (in crayon) his plan to rescue Russell, the kid is given the prisoner number 24601. Musical theater geeks unite and enjoy this brilliantly subtle gag.

Why Deadpool Never Sees the Other X-Men

A more visual gag in Deadpool 2 comes in the form of a cameo from practically all of the X-Men. When visiting X-Mansion, Wade rightly points out (again) that in all his visits he’s never seen any of the X-Men. As he delivers his lines, he unwittingly has his back turned to a room full of X-Men, before a disgruntled Cyclops closes the door. Alright, it’s not a one-liner, but it is a great visual gag that has already become a favorite moment for many viewers.

Wade Wilson Loves Taylor Swift

In real life, Ryan Reynolds’ wife, Blake Lively, is good friends with pop star Taylor Swift, who is well-known for loving all things cat-related. She also has two cats of her own, Olivia and Meredith. When wheeling about in Professor X’s wheelchair at X-Mansion, Wade Wilson is wearing a kitten t-shirt, with “Olivia and Meredith BFF’s Furrever” on it.

Page 2: The Basic Instinct Moment, the Many Marvel Jokes, and More

The Cure For Blindness Does Exist!

Remember in Deadpool, when Wade tells Blind Al that he’s hidden his cocaine under the floorboards, right next to the cure for blindness? That was a great joke in the first movie, but it becomes even better in Deadpool 2 when they revisit it. Wade is suited up, about to go on a mission when he decides he could do with a little lift. He pulls up a floorboard to reveal a big stash of coke, right next to yep, you guessed it, a parcel labeled “the cure for blindness.” Blind Al hasn’t discovered it yet.

X-Force Is One Big Joke

The assembling of Deadpool’s own X-Force is hilarious from start to its unfortunate finish. Made up of a cast of familiar faces, Zeitgeist, Bedlam, Shatterstar, The Vanisher, Peter and Domino are all eager to join the team, but one by one they meet an untimely and grisly demise on their first mission. Thanks in part to the high winds that Deadpool dismisses, Zeitgeist ends up being turned into mulch, but not before vomiting his acid onto Peter. Bedlam crashes into a bus, Shatterstar shatters into a helicopter, and the Vanisher (played by none other than Brad Pitt), electrocutes himself. Only Domino survives completely unscathed, thanks to her super-luck.

Deadpool 2 Pokes Fun At Loads Of Movies

One of the best long-running jokes in the Deadpool franchise is his cultural awareness. Never afraid to break the fourth wall, Deadpool also frequently references popular movies both old and new. In Deadpool 2, he has the startling revelation that the Frozen song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman”  is actually just a rip-off of “Papa Can You Hear Me?” from Yentl. Then there’s the recurring reference to Interview With the Vampire, when Dopinder likens his and Wade’s relationship to the one shared by Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunst’s characters - specifically when he feeds her blood  and she discovers a taste for it. But the movie references don’t stop there.

The Basic Instinct Moment

Deadpool can grow back limbs at will, so if he loses one it doesn’t really matter too much. However, in Deadpool 2, he loses the entire bottom half of his body, and has to wait for it to grow back. This results in his lower half looking like a toddler for a while… which wouldn’t be so bad, except that he’s sitting on the couch with Blind Al, naked from the waist down, when Cable, Weasel, Dopinder, and Domino walk in. Entirely unabashed, Wade crosses and uncrosses his legs, briefly displaying his baby genitals and horrifying everyone in the room. “What is that?” Cable asks, to which Weasel replies “It’s his basic instinct.”

Josh Brolin Is Ribbed For His Goonies Role

In the apartment scene mentioned above, Wade is wearing a shirt exactly the same as the one worn by Chunk in The Goonies, which Cable actor Josh Brolin starred in way back in 1985. Later, when Deadpool tells Brolin’s Cable to “Cool it, One-Eyed Willie” - One-Eyed Willie, of course, being the pirate whose treasure the Goonies hunt for in the movie.

Marvel Is The Butt Of All Jokes Forever

All superhero franchises are fair game in Deadpool 2, but none more so than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are many jokes about the MCU in Deadpool 2, including when Deadpool calls Domino “Black Black Widow,” and Dopinder “Brown Panther” after he makes his first kill. He also refers to Cable as Thanos, and attempts to calm Juggernaut by telling him the “sun’s getting real low, big guy” (Black Widow’s ’lullaby’ for the Hulk). He compared Cable to The Winter Soldier because of his arm, and asks whether the robotic arm trope has finally been worn out in the future that Cable comes from. Best of all, though, is when Wade and Russell are taken into the Ice Box and their collars deactivate their mutant powers. Lying on his bunk, Wade says “My superpower is just unbridled cancer. Give me a bow and arrow and I’m basically Hawkeye.”

What were your favorite jokes in Deadpool 2? Let us know in the comments!

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