A significant part of Deadpool’s success came down to the movie’s willingness to subvert and outright mock the established tropes of the superhero genre. True to character, the movie continually broke the fourth wall by addressing the audience, culminating in a deliberately anti-climactic post-credits sting. The titular superhero spent most of the scene attempting to usher audiences from the theatre, although he did drop some early news about Deadpool 2. He claimed that the character Cable would be appearing in the sequel, and rumours about who could play the time travelling mutant have been circulating ever since.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have teased the possibility of James Bond actor Pearce Brosnan playing Cable in the past. More recently, Oscar-winner Russell Crowe’s hat was thrown in the ring, following a series of tweets between the Oscar-winning actor and Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld. The potential casting of Crowe has already gained traction with fans and artists all over the Internet are trying to envisage how the actor might look in the role.

BossLogic has now designed an image of Crowe as Cable, replete with facial scars and armour, while James Raiz at BoxOfficeArtist went for a cleaner, more metallic look at the character. In the comics, the grizzled mutant is broad, muscular, and aged, with a cybernetic arm and a glowing eye. Take a look below for two strikingly different takes on Crowe-as-Cable:

Revised my cable with some @russellcrowe since the idea is being pitched #Deadpool pic.twitter.com/yjDL3eLQv5— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) February 28, 2017


@russellcrowe someone made this fanart of you.. Sir you would look and be great as #Cable #Deadpool pic.twitter.com/LKxEHLzU8t— Ernest Barath (@ernest_barath) February 28, 2017

Crowe and Liefeld have openly discussed the images on Twitter. Crowe retweeted BossLogic’s work, and tweeted Raiz’s picture to Liefeld, who congratulated the artist. Their conversation is now much more amicable than it initially appeared, when Crowe appeared to take some offence at the notion that he should read for the part. Liefeld’s subsequent apology seems to have gone a long way to making the actor seriously consider the role.

These images are some of the best-looking fan depictions to come out of the Deadpool 2 casting soap opera, and Crowe is possibly a more fitting choice than British actor Pearce Brosnan. He has plenty of tough-guy experience and is no stranger to smart humor, as demonstrated by his role in Shane Black’s The Nice Guys.

Pearce Brosnan isn’t out of the picture however, as rumor has it that he might even set to play Cable already. It’s also worth mentioning that BossLogic was behind the Brosnan/Cable fan art that accompanied the initial push to land Brosnan the role, so this new fan art is by no means the end of the conversation. The Deadpool team have their own unique way of doing things and the role of Cable may yet fall to someone else altogether. Ryan Reynolds could even play the character opposite himself - just imagine that banter.

Source: BossLogic, BoxOfficeArtist

  • Wolverine 3 Release Date: 2017-03-03 Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18