Like some other major blockbuster movies in recent years, Deadpool 2 received an extended cut on home video, which includes a host of alternate, extended, and deleted scenes that weren’t in the theatrical version. In this particular case, and in keeping with the character’s unique comedy style, the Deadpool 2 extended version is called the Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (or just the Super Duper Cut), and it contains an additional 15 minutes of unseen footage, much of which is devoted to elaborating on dialogue, providing backstory for certain characters, and deepening the relationship between the main superheroes.

The Deadpool 2 Super Duper Cut is something that director David Leitch has been teasing for quite some time, and it was first officially unveiled at a special screening during San Diego Comic-Con 2018 earlier this summer. And now, it has made its way onto home video. While there’s certainly a lot for fans to peruse through and enjoy, it can be difficult to identify the exact additions and changes, which is why Screen Rant has taken the time to compile each and every change between the theatrical and the extended versions. But first, let’s run through the Super Duper Cut’s biggest changes.

  • This Page: The Big Changes In Deadpool 2: The Super Duper Cut Page 2: Every Single Change In Deadpool 2: The Super Duper Cut

Deadpool’s Suicide Montage

Shortly after Deadpool 2 hit theaters, screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick did an AMA on Reddit, discussing and revealing secrets about the project. One of the things they revealed was that they had written and actually filmed a suicide montage for Wade Wilson, but it didn’t make it into the theatrical cut. However, they did reveal that it would be included on the home video release - and it has been. In the regular version, after visiting Blind Al, Deadpool goes back home and blows himself up. But in the Super Duper Cut, he attempts two more suicides (a little after the 23-minute mark in the extended version).

It starts off with Deadpool at the zoo and with him going up to a child and saying, “Precious, aren’t they?” while looking at the polar bears. The child responds, “Woah! Are you a superhero?” Deadpool says, “F**king A, sweetie.” The child: “What’s your name?” Deadpool: “Captain Delicious Pants.” She then looks at her father and asks, “Who’s Captain Delicious Pants?” That’s when Deadpool runs and jumps into the polar bear enclosure and gets eaten alive.

Since that didn’t work, Deadpool’s next attempt was to fall off a skyscraper after drinking Clog Clear. In the scene, he dances along the edge and then falls off the roof. A group of people then gather around him when he hits the ground. One woman says, “I can’t believe he’s still alive.” Deadpool responds, “I can’t believe you left the house in that shirt.” Then, it cuts to the barrel scene inside his apartment, which is in the theatrical cut. But, in the extended version, Deadpool says, “There’s gotta be some way to die. I just need to die harder. Trademark Fox. Y’all caught up now?” For those that don’t know, the Die Hard movie franchise is also owned by 20th Century Fox.

Deadpool 2’s Time-Traveling Credits Scenes

One of the best things about Deadpool 2 was its mid-credits sequence in which Wade Wilson uses Cable’s time-traveling device to right all the wrongs of the past, including such things as saving the X-Force team from their unfortunate deaths, fixing Deadpool’s first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and preventing Ryan Reynolds from starring in the Green Lantern movie. The film’s mid-credits scenes are perhaps the best ones ever made, but they weren’t entirely complete. The Super Duper Cut adds a couple bits of dialogue to a few of the scenes while also tacking on a whole new one at the end.

In the X-Force credits scene, right after Deadpool tells Peter to walk away, saying, “Nope! We’re not [X-Force],” he adds, “X-Force is just a marketing tool designed by Fox executives to keep Josh Brolin employed. It doesn’t exist.” Everything else before and after that was the same. Then, in the X-Men Origins: Wolverine credits scene, a big chunk of dialogue was added in. In between saying he’s cleaning up the timelines and that he loves Wolverine, Deadpool also says, “Look, eventually, you’re going to hang up the claws and it’s going to make a lot of people very sad…But one day, your old pal Wade’s gonna ask you to get back in the saddle again. And when he does, say yes.”

Of course, the big addition here is the Hitler sequence. It’s split into two parts - the first half in the mid-credits scene and the second-half at the very end of the credits - and shows Deadpool attempting to kill a baby Adolf Hitler. Preventing Hitler from becoming a dictator by killing him as an infant is one of the most common thoughts and questions when it comes to time travel, and so it makes sense that it was something Deadpool wanted to do - or, at least, attempt to do. In the scene, he struggles with killing Hitler, so he says that he’ll get Cable because he has a way with kids.

Page 2 of 2: Every Alternate, Deleted, or Extended Scene In The Super Duper Cut

Every Difference In The Deadpool 2 Extended Cut

Here is a complete breakdown of every alternate, deleted, or extended scene that’s in the Deadpool 2 Super Duper Cut, along with the timestamps so that viewers watching the extended version can make note of all the differences.

3:30 - Deadpool jumps through the window and starts counting the bad guys in Spanish. In the extended cut, instead of counting, he says, “Oh. Oh, this isn’t Gilbert’s. I am so sorry. I thought this was an a**l-bleaching party.”

3:45 - After being shot up by the gang, Deadpool sits up and says he’ll take a cranberry-grapefruit vodka. In the extended cut, he pretends to be dead, and then bad guys come over and briefly inspect his body. Then, they start laughing. That’s when Deadpool sits up and tells the bartender, “Don’t worry, you’re not going to die. But these will kill you.” He’s referring to the cigarettes she was smoking.

4:00 - Deadpool’s fight scene is extended. He stabs one more guy directly in the throat with one of his swords and then uses his pistol to shoot up the place. Then, right before he shoots someone in the mouth, he says, “I’m merely a vessel for the Lord.”

4:45 - The murder in Sicily: in the regular version, Deadpool comes out of the coffin and shoots everyone. In the Super Duper cut, he gets out of the coffin and chases the guy with a briefcase. He then jumps over one of the headstones and shoots the target in the head. As the briefcase opens and the money flies out, Deadpool says, “Let’s see Captain America do that.”

5:00 - Instead of cutting directly to the spa fight sequence in Tokyo, the extended cut switches over to the stripper scene and includes a naked stripper for a brief second before showing Deadpool. The fight scene with the people at the table goes on for a little longer before cutting to Tokyo.

5:30 - There’s a nice transition between scenes in which Deadpool slides on the stripper walkway and then is quickly scene sliding into the Japanese spa in Osaka. At that moment, everyone in the spa takes out katanas and prepares to fight Deadpool. That’s when Wade says, “Donde Esta la Biblioteca?” again. This fight scene is also extended. Like, really extended.

10:10 - When Deadpool gets out of the cab, after Dopinder tells him that he wants to become a contract killer, Deadpool says, “(Groans) Dopinder, it’s me again. Look, a saner man might discourage you from joining the deadly merc business… what, with your concave chest and your paper towel tube arms. But you’re an eagle… and goddamn it, an eagle’s gotta soar. You gotta grab those dreams, grab those dreams by the dick-tip and make it rain!” Dopinder: “I don’t know what that means.” Deadpool: “Me neither (laughs). I’m gonna see you at the office. In the sky.”

11:00 - Wade tries making up excuses for why he’s late for his and Vanessa’s anniversary. In the extended cut, he goes on for a little while, using excuses like getting rid of the world’s gluten, having diarrhea in his suit, and getting stuck in traffic.

19:40 - After the interlude/credits, and after Weasel tells Wade that he needs to go home, Weasel adds, “You smell like sauerkraut left in the warm rain. Like wet garbage in hot urine. You smell like a dog ate kitty litter and then farted his way out of the living room. I mean, like Rush Limbaugh’s couch cushions after Shark Week.” This extended scene is one of the only things 20th Century Fox had them remove from the film.

20:15 - When Wade says, “At least we still have Bowie,” Weasel just agrees and moves on. In the Super Duper cut, Dopinder tries to correct him by saying, “Oh, Mr. Pool, David Bowie is…” That’s when Weasel interjects, “Uh, uh, uh…” Dopinder: “Still with us.” Weasel: “We do. We’ll always have Bowie.”

23:30 - The suicide montage. It starts off with Deadpool at the zoo, with Deadpool going up to a child and saying, “Precious, aren’t they?” The child responds, “Woah! Are you a superhero?” Deadpool says, “F**king A, sweetie.” The child: “What’s your name?” Deadpool: “Captain Delicious Pants.” The child looks are her father and asks, “Who’s Captain Delicious Pants?” That’s when Deadpool runs and jumps into the polar bear pen and gets eaten alive.

Next, Deadpool stands on top of a tall building drinking Clog Clear (a subtle reference to Ajax from the first movie, perhaps?). He dances along the edge and then falls off the roof. A group of people gather around him when he hits the ground. One woman says, “I can’t believe he’s still alive.” Deadpool responds, “I can’t believe you left the house in that shirt.” Then, it cuts to the barrel scene inside his apartment, which is in the theatrical cut. But, in the extended version, Deadpool says, “There’s gotta be some way to die. I just need to die harder. Trademark Fox. Y’all caught up now?” For those that don’t know, the Die Hard movie franchise is owned by 20th Century Fox.

25:50 - After Colossus takes Wade to the X-Mansion, the extended version shows Firefist arriving at the Exxex House. The entire sequence provides an introduction into the movie’s real villain as well as Eddie Marsan’s character. It’s also the first time audiences hear the phrase, “Blessed are the wicked who are healed by my hand.”

27:00 - Colossus and Deadpool’s dialogue in different at the X-Mansion. In the Super Duper cut, after Colossus tells Deadpool to take off his mask, Deadpool says, “I wish you’d said ‘pants’. Let’s play a game. It’s called ‘Adrien Brody or Adam Brody?’ Now, close your eyes and open your mouth.” Then, Colossus says, “You don’t need to be funny here.” Then, Colossus says, “You don’t need to be funny here.” After he takes off his mask, Wade says, “Such a glare. It’s as if I’m on stage at the Gaiety.”

28:30 - Wade makes extra jokes as he rides Xavier’s wheelchair throughout the X-Mansion, asking things like, “Who lives here, Calista Flockhart?”

28:50 - In the theatrical cut, Wade says, “You’d think the studio would throw us a bone. They can’t just dust off one of the favorite X-Men?” However, Wade goes on for a little while in between those two sentences in the new version, adding, “One that doesn’t end up in my mouth. The first movie made more money than the guy who invented pants.”

29:50 - After Wade gets tossed by Colossus, he exclaims, “Jesus Christ! I thought you were gonna kiss me for a second there. Please know I wouldn’t be able to stop you if you did.”

32:15 - In the Super Duper cut, Alan Tudyk and Matt Damon’s cameos, which come at the same time Cable arrives in the present day, happen right after Cable time travels from the future instead of later on in the movie. The scene itself is much longer, allowing for the two actors to really go through Rhett Reese’s toilet paper manifesto (which is further described in the Blu-ray’s special features).

33:40 - Cable is seen walking out of an Army-Navy supply store with two carts full of weapons, all of which he stole. He loads everything into the truck that he stole from Alan Tudyk and Matt Damon and leaves right when the police arrive. This particular scene answers the question of where he got all of his equipment in this film.

34:00 - The Kitchen Scene (this particular scene is in the movie’s special features). It starts off with Colossus doing burpees out on the X-Mansion’s lawn and then cuts to Wade opening the fridge in the kitchen, where Yukio and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are lounging. Wade and Negasonic have a heart-to-heart conversation in this scene that closely resembles the iconic speech from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

35:45 - Another deleted scene at the Essex House, in which the nurses ring a bell, calling all the patients into the church that burns down at the end of the film. In this scene, the Headmaster addresses all the patients, saying, “No one is born perfect. But you can be. I know you’re doing what comes naturally. You can’t help yourself. But you can. It takes work, discipline, and treatment. Your abilities… I know how seductive they are. How powerful they make you feel. But you must learn never to use them… so they will never use you.” While the Headmaster is giving his speech, the nurses strap Firefist to a chair and prepare to “cure” him. The Headmaster briefly addresses Firefist directly before torturing him. That’s when Russell gets his first line of the film, “Suck my mutant dk you four-eyed fk.” Part of this scene is shown later on in the film as a flashback.

37:30 - In the theatrical cut, Wade is wearing Cerebro and pretends to read Colossus’ mind when he’s approached in the X-Mansion. In the Super Duper cut, the scene plays out the same but it’s an alternate version. In this case, Wade is reading the book The Canadian Mounted (which John Candy also reads in Planes, Trains and Automobiles). When Colossus says they are going on a mission, Wade tells him that he’ll pray for them. But then Colossus tells him that he’s going on the mission with them.

41:00 - When Deadpool is trying to talk down Firefist, he says, “You know something? A wise woman once said to me, ‘Speak up. I can’t hear you with that pity d**k in your mouth.’ Too much? I went too far.” That’s something that Blind Al tells Wade earlier in the film. In the theatrical cut, however, Deadpool talks about Firefist’s body going through “fiery” changes instead.

42:45 - After being detained, Russell says he wants to go to the Ice Box. Deadpool tells him that he doesn’t want to go there, as he does in the theatrical cut as well. But in this version, he adds, “That place makes Hitler’s a**s look like Waikiki.” It’s a subtle addition to a scene that otherwise remains the same in the original version.

44:00 - Right after Colossus tackles Deadpool, he scolds him about following the rules. While that’s still in the extended cut, a bit of extra dialogue was added in before that line. Colossus says, “You were right, Wade. You are not X-Men material.” Deadpool: “No st, Shiny Gandhi! What was your first clue? The hollow point through that fkhead’s face? That kid was abused! You can tell, you can always tell.” Then, they dive into the “We have rules” dialogue from the final cut. Interestingly, Negasonic tells Colossus not to punch Deadpool in this scene.

45:00 - When Wade and Russell arrive at the Ice Box, Wade makes a few extra jokes about the prison. After asking if there’s a Sorting Hat, he says, “I’ve always seen myself as more of an East Coast Hufflepuff. I’ve made a critical error on my Airbnb reservation. This is not what the website looked like at all. I love the decor though. I had no idea hopeless was a color.” Viewers also get a glimpse at Robert Maillet’s Sluggo.

45:35 - After Russell walks into their cell, Wade jokes about getting another minority off the streets. That’s when he tells the guard, “Let’s get a bagel.” In the theatrical cut, he says, “Let’s get a taco.”

46:45 - In the theatrical cut, Russell tells Wade that he wants to kill the Essex House’s Headmaster, but his reasoning is explored further in the extended cut; it’s a much more emotional scene. In it, he adds, “The thing that pisses me off the most… I never stood up for myself in there. My whole life, I’ve been waiting for someone to come and save me. Nobody’s gonna sacrifice anything for me. I gotta start taking care of myself. I have a mission now.” The camera cuts between Wade and Russell (who is holding back tears) during this scene, which underscores Deadpool’s sacrifice later on in the film.

47:15 - As a continuation of the previous scene, after Russell says he’s going to take a selfie with the Headmaster’s corpse (which is in the theatrical cut), Wade says, “Aw. That’s, like, my favorite part of the Bible. I don’t have a sock puppet on me, but what did he do to you? Did he taste the rainbow? I’d whisper it, but Skittles would sue us.” Russell: “Fker hates mutants. He tried to beat the genes out of us.” Wade: “Nothing worse than a ‘pray the gay away’ type guy.” Russell: “Sick piece of st.”

48:45 - When Russell is trying to take out a pen he snuck in his “prison wallet,” Wade says, “I can hear you rummaging around in there. Do they make Purell for your ears?” That last sentence is new in the Super Duper cut.

56:00 - When Wade gets his superpowers back, he sits up and says, “Hello superpowers,” in the theatrical cut. The scene is the same in the extended version, albeit one second longer, because he instead he says, “Dónde Está la Biblioteca?”

1:01:50 - In between when Wade says they need a team who can carry the franchise for the next decade and when Dopinder says his body is an instrument of death, Weasel adds in the extended cut, “A team of highly-skilled motherfkers. I’m talking about some Ocean’s 14 st. Rogue Two. John Wick 3, but with the original director.” The first two movies are sequels that never happened, while the third is a cheeky call out to David Leitch being the director of John Wick but not John Wick 2.

1:03:00 - Before Russell sneaks into Juggernaut’s cell block, the extended cut shows him walking to his table and stealing what looks like pudding from an unsuspecting inmate. It’s a subtle addition to the film, one that would appear to be inconsequential, but actually comes into play when he hands his food (and the pudding) to Juggernaut. Plus, it’s what causes the fight between the other inmates, which gives Russell his window of opportunity to sneak away.

1:06:15 - Deadpool and Domino’s conversation during X-Force recruitment is slightly different in the Super Duper cut, in which Deadpool reluctantly agrees that luck is actually a superpower. Deadpool: “What’s your shtick?” Domino: “I’m lucky.” Deadpool: “That’s not a superpower.” Domino: “Yeah, it is.” Deadpool: “No, it isn’t.” … Domino: “No, it isn’t.” Deadpool: “Yes, it is.” Domino: “Told ya.” Deadpool: “Get out of my head!” Domino: “I’m not in your head. I’m in an 11-year-old’s bedroom.” Then, after a brief overlap with the theatrical version, in which Domino explains that everything usually just works out for her, the conversation ends with Deadpool saying, “Like 2008 Ryan Reynolds.” Domino: “I don’t know who that is.” Deadpool: “You’re hired.”

1:07:00 - Peter’s recruitment is also slightly different - and longer. After he says that he just saw the ad for the X-Force team, Deadpool asks, “No superpowers at all?” Peter: “Uh, I have both Type 1 and 2 Diabetes.” Deadpool: “Ow! Oh!” Weasel: “That’s all the diabetes.” Deadpool: “Right? Yeah, you got ’em all. If you find a Type 3 let us know.”

1:08:15 - In the Super Duper cut, Cable gets a little more exposition in the scene in which he captures Weasel. After asking Weasel about the most pain he’s ever felt in his life, he says, “People think they understand pain. They have no concept of it beyond their own worst experience. 5 years old. That’s what? A bee sting. 20 years old, shrapnel. 40 years old, disease. Maybe the kind that leaves you more machine than man.” Weasel: “Yeah, getting old’s not for sissies. That’s what my Grandma Ginny used to…” Then, it dives back into Cable mentioning a list he wants to work down.

1:13:15 - Shatterstar’s death is slightly different. It happens the same way, but the helicopter pilot gets a line of dialogue, saying, “You have to be insane to take off in this,” in reference to the high winds. Then, it camera cuts to Deadpool yelling at Shatterstar, “No, stage left, you idiot!” Shatterstar dies right after that, just like he does in the theatrical cut.

1:19:55 - When Cable and Deadpool are fighting in the prisoner transport truck, Deadpool says, “Somebody knows karate.” In the Super Duper cut, he mentions Scoutmaster Kevin instead, for the second time, saying, “As Scoutmaster Kevin used to say, there’s a first time for everything son.” And then after Deadpool tries blocking Cable’s bullets with his swords, he says, “Those bullets were, like, super fast. Here we go,” instead of, “Ow,” like in the theatrical cut.

1:22:20 - When Deadpool snaps his neck back into place, he says, “Suck it, Mel Gibson.” It’s a line that was meant to reference Mel Gibson relocating his shoulder in Lethal Weapon.

1:30:45 - In response to Cable’s question about whether or not he would kill the people who killed his girlfriend, Wade says, “No. I’d buy them all a bouquet of hand jobs. Of course, I f**king would!” In the theatrical version, he skips right to the last sentence instead of first responding sarcastically.

1:32:20 - The Juggernaut and Russell raid and seemingly burn down a Mr. Supersize store, which is where Russell gets his change of clothes. As they’re walking away from the store in the parking lot, Russell says, “Man, that sucks they didn’t have anything in your size. I really wanted to match, you know? Being a menacing team. Oh, man, it sucks.” Juggernaut responds, “That was some cold-a** s**t, kid.”

1:32:30 - When the movie cuts to the rest of the X-Force team in the car, on their way to the Essex House, Deadpool says, “And that is why you never eat a raw fish. It’s just common sense.” In the Super Duper cut, he actually says, “And that is just the first five steps to a prostate-assisted orgasm.”

1:33:00 - The team’s conversation about racism in the cab is slightly extended in this version. After Cable asks Dopinder to turn off his music, Deadpool responds, “You’ll do no such thing. Why don’t you just say it in an Indian accent?” Cable: “I’m sorry?” Deadpool: “Apology accepted. This is a side of you I do not like. Let me guess, some of your best friends in the future are Indian.” Then, in response to Cable defending himself, Deadpool says, “That’s precisely what a racist would say.” After a little banter, Cable states, “When this is over, I’m going to f**k you to death with your own broken feet.” And Deadpool responds, “And a sexual predator, too. That’s rich.” The beginning part of the conversation is in the regular movie, but the rest of the aforementioned dialogue is included throughout the conversation in various parts.

1:34:00 - Before arriving at the Essex House, Domino utters under her breath, “God, I wish this were a bus where I could pull the string and get out.” Deadpool, trying to paint Cable as a racist, adds, “It’s a good thing Cable’s not driving, or you’d be in the back.” Domino: “I am in the back.”

1:34:45 - “But even you know I’m not a complete piece of st. I was once an X-Man.” Negasonic interjects by saying, “Trainee.” Then, she tosses a container of food at his mini-boombox. That’s when Deadpool notices NTW has been using his Velcro labels instead of masking tape, and they have a very brief conversation about that. Colossus eventually jumps in, saying, “Say whatever it is you’re here to say. Make it quick.” Deadpool: “Right. Quick. It’s the kid. Just like you, I let him down. And just like me, he’s never had anyone sacrifice anything for him because the whole world wrote him off as a piece of st a long time ago.

Overall, the scene plays out relatively the same, but there are some minor changes in dialogue. The most interesting difference is that, in the theatrical cut, Deadpool is talking to an empty balcony because Colossus is still in his room, but in the Super Duper cut, Deadpool is addressing Colossus directly on the balcony. It looks like something that was changed later in post-production, because this sequence was the first thing they had shot on set. In doing so, they removed an arguably emotional moment between Colossus and Deadpool, in which Colossus says Wade broke his heart by becoming a criminal.

1:37:15 - When Deadpool asks Cable what’s with the dirty on the teddy bear, Cable responds by saying it’s the blood of his dead daughter. In the theatrical version, Deadpool replies, “I have a gluten sensitivity. So, one glass of wine, I just… (imitates explosion).” The scene is the same in the Super Duper cut, though the dialogue changes to: “Are You Bear, God? It’s Me, Margaret. Give me some. They say laughter heals anything… except, of course, that.”

1:37:25 - In the extended version, a different song plays when Deadpool says to cue the music: Fly Like an Eagle, by the Steve Miller Band.

1:39:20 - Domino running away from the Juggernaut is extended in the Super Duper version. Instead of cutting to Russell chasing down the Headmaster, the scene showcases more of Domino’s luck as well as her and Cable working together as a team for a brief moment. Eventually, the scene interlinks back with the theatrical cut with Russell and the Headmaster inside the Essex House.

1:40:25 - When Colossus picks up Deadpool, he makes one sexual joke in the theatrical cut, but that scene goes on for approximately another 20 seconds in the extended cut, adding in two extra sexual jokes.

1:41:00 - The song playing in the last fight sequence is changed to Fight Dirty, by Mischief Brew.

1:51:55 - During Deadpool’s death scene, he gives his parting words to everyone there. While most of them are the same in the theatrical cut, he says something different for NTW. In the theatrical version, he says, “It’s been a pleasure.” In the Super Duper cut, he says, “I liked you better with your hair short. I think everyone did.” Then, for Firefist, after he tells him that he’s a superhero now, Deadpool tells him to take his costume. He says, “That’s why it’s high time that you had a super suit. This one is yours. You might wanna get it steam cleaned, especially around the pants. And let it out a little in the waist.” Wade then dives into his speech about family.

1:55:00 - A rendition of Ashes plays in the background during the entire post-death/heaven sequence, whereas Take On Me, by Aha, plays in the regular version.

1:57:15 - After Vanessa tells Wade to go back to his F-word (his family), they say, “I love you,” to each other in the theatrical cut, but in the extended version, Vanessa adds, “It’s all right. I’ll be here. It’s pretty fking awesome up here. I can have anything I want.” Then, Wade says, “Can every day be International Women’s Day?” Vanessa: “It is heaven.” Right before Wade is pulled back to reality, he tells Vanessa, “Don’t fk Elvis.” And she responds, “Don’t f**k Colossus,” in the theatrical version, but in the Super Duper cut, she says, “Oh, too late.”

2:01:50 - When NTW and Yukio leave to go back to the X-Mansion, Negasonic tells Deadpool that he’s exhausting, and then adds, “Our door’s always open.” Of course, Deadpool takes that remark in a different way, replying, “That’s kind, but I’m not ready to date again. Let alone two women.” NTW: “God, you’re a douche.”

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