WARNING: This article contains Deadpool 2 SPOILERS

They may not share the same universe, but Deadpool 2 is fully aware of Marvel’s movie heroes and villains. That doesn’t mean that fans should expect the two movie franchises to officially crossover - not yet, anyway - but it finally makes the movie version of Deadpool as pop culture aware as his comic book counterpart. Not just about the superhero movie genre in general, but the omni-present world of the MCU and its many Avengers stars. And it turns out Wade Wilson has some strong opinions about a few Marvel mainstays.

The division between Marvel Studios and Fox means that it’s only the cast of the young X-Men movies who cameo, which may not be changing in the foreseeable future, now that questions around the Marvel/Fox merger have arisen. But it seems like Marvel is more than okay with Fox’s Merc With a Mouth taking shots (and with celebrity cameos like Brad Pitt’s Vanisher, we doubt the filmmakers are too disappointed).

Whether it’s Deadpool taking shots at the weakest of Marvel’s movie Avengers, his continued troll war against Wolverine, or the fact that his movie’s biggest villain played the Avengers’ just weeks ago, fans won’t want to miss a single MCU reference. Considering how filled with laughter their theaters might be, we’re covering them all here.

8. Even Deadpool Throws Shade at Hawkeye

Let’s just say it plainly: it’s been a rough year or two for Clint Barton in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. There are reasons to believe that things might get worse for Hawkeye in Avengers 4, but based only on Infinity War, it’s obvious he’s one of the lowest members in the Avengers chain of command. It was one thing to leave him completely out of the action in the team’s biggest battle to date, and quite another to crop him out of Infinity War trailers. Obviously, that’s come to the attention of Wade Wilson, too.

After Wade kills on behalf of Russell Collins a.k.a. ‘Firefist’ he lands the pair of them in the mutant prison known as The Icebox, with collars around their necks to effectively nullify their superpowers. For Russell, that means he’s just unable to use fire (which may be a good thing). For Wade, it’s even worse: it means his cancer is allowed to progress unchecked, slowly killing him. As a result, he tells Russell that “I can’t protect you. With this collar on my superpower is just unbridled cancer. Give me a bow and arrow, and I’m basically Hawkeye.”

Well played, Wade. Now fans just have to ask whether Deadpool is intended to be referring to the movie character, breaking the fourth wall to the audience… or a real world member of the Avengers that exist in his own reality…

7. The Iron Man 2 Entrance

Not every reference to Marvel’s movies is as easy to overlook as this one. As every MCU fan knows, the music of AC/DC has been synonymous with Iron Man since the very beginning. Literally. The first film to star Tony Stark opens with a military convoy blasting “Back in Black” as per the billionaire’s request, and the tunes kept blasting from there. Most fans will remember Iron Man’s arrival in The Avengers coming to back up Captain America in taking down Loki - again, set to AC/DC’s “Shoot to Thrill.” But it wasn’t the first time that the hero used that particular track for a memorable entrance.

It was the opening scene of Iron Man 2 (after a villain-focused montage) that found Tony in full armor, standing inside an aircraft’s bay, waiting to make his exit. The ramp dropped, Tony leaped, and the AC/DC blasted to celebrate what was clearly a moment Tony had carefully crafted as the perfect entrance to the reborn Stark Expo.

No surprise that once Deadpool has his X-Force assembled in their own helicopter, the chords of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” trigger the action. The ramp open, the team exits, and Deadpool leaps in what is clearly his best impression of Iron Man’s baddass bravado.

6. Metal Arms Are Big With Marvel

Some references are easier to see coming, and with Cable’s most notable physical attribute being his metallic left arm (the eye/face is significantly toned down for the movie) it would have been the safest bet to assume that James “Bucky” Barnes would be brought up in the conversation. Technically, the metal left arm worn by Josh Brolin is the result of Cable’s infection with a techno-organic virus that the movie’s writers hope to explore in a sequel. In the comics, Cable is one of the most powerful telekinetic mutants to have lived - but is forced to use most of it containing the infection to the left side of his body.

For Bucky, his metal left arm is the result of… well, losing his left arm.

Not as thrilling or as cool an origin story, we suppose. But Wade Wilson has definitely heard it. When Wade and Russell are running from Cable during the breakout in the mutant prison - before they realize he’s actually coming for the younger of the two mutants - he sizes the time traveler up concisely, calling him a “grumpy old f***er with a Winter Soldier arm!”

Again, leaving fans to wonder if Wade is just referring to the MCU, or acknowledging the infamous Soviet assassin in his own world (whether Disney allows the rights to confirm or deny it).

Page 2 of 2: Hulk’s Lullaby, Thanos, and More!

5. Deadpool Tries Out The Hulk’s Lullaby

The connection between Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner came to the forefront in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but the former assassin’s link to Banner was much deeper than just romance or chemistry. A point made in the film’s opening battle when Natasha was sent to bring Bruce back out of his Hulk form. She did it with a new “lullaby,” using calming words and a stroke of the hand to calm the beast enough to allow Bruce to regain control. A sweet idea paid off later in the film, but since then, one of the strongest surprise jokes that the MCU has come up with.

It was actually Thor who got the first laugh, attempting to use the lullaby when doing battle with Hulk on the planet Sakaar, in his solo movie Ragnarok. Having delivered some crushing blows to Hulk in the gladiator arena, Thor adopted the same soothing tone while telling Hulk that “the sun’s getting real low, big guy.”

It worked about as well as it does when Deadpool uses it, scrambling to stay perched on the shoulders of Juggernaut.

4. Black Widow, Just… Luckier

It’s fair to say that in the world of superhero movies, a deadly woman clad in black leather is about as common as a blue beam of light in the sky. It was true of Catwoman, it was true of the X-Women, it was true of Black Widow, and it’s true of Domino, the newest recruit to the X-Men movie universe of mutants. Her power is luck, her attitude is on her sleeve, and her similarities to Marvel’s Black Widow are set in stone by Deadpool.

Ganted, the connection he makes is intended as a joke first, noting that actress Zazie Beetz acts as a black Black Widow. In the end, Domino earns that compliment by singlehandedly taking down the Essex House’s orderlies and freeing the children being held prisoner as she was. Sure, she has metaphysical fortune in her favor, but… still an impressive feat.

3. The Brown Panther

It’s strange to think now that the success of Black Panther’s billion-dollar box office was ever in doubt, but it was only years ago that the name “Black Panther” had no superhero meaning, even to movie fans. That changed in a hurry, since Black Panther is now not just a household name around the world, but a famous enough Marvel superhero to be namedropped by Deadpool, who reserves his humor and zingers for only the most iconic of superhero heavy hitters.

Sure, the comparison between T’Challa, the King of Wakanda played by Chadwick Bosemand and the cab driver Dopinder, played by Karan Soni may be a strained one. But when Dopinder embraces the glory and adrenaline of combat (… by driving over a twisted preacher in his cab) he is every bit the hero - “Brown Panther” - that Wade Wilson dubs him. The results of the joke may vary with different audiences, but it shows just how quickly Marvel Studios changed the game for a hero once thought impossible to make work on film.

2. The Stan Lee Cameo You Probably Missed

It’s no longer a surprise to see the face of comic book legend Stan Lee pop up in the movie adaptation of a Marvel superhero or team. But over the years, there have been a few missing a cameo from Lee, with distance of travel required often cited as the reason. It was for that reason that X-Men: First Class lacked a cameo, and The Wolverine, along with the more tonally serious Logan. Marvel Studios has had a more spotless record than Fox’s films, but Stan Lee made sure to get in on the fun of Deadpool, playing the DJ at a strip club.

Most will sit through Deadpool 2 on the lookout and assume that they either missed it, or missed the explanation for Lee’s absence. But make no mistake: Stan Lee does cameo in Deadpool 2, it’s just in the form of graffiti instead of in the flesh.

1. The Josh Brolin/Thanos Jokes

C’mon, you knew there would have to be a comment on the fact that Josh Brolin is now playing a major, metal-hand-related villain in not one, but two separate Marvel movie universes. He’s also willing to sacrifice a future with the daughter he loves. Also able to manipulate time, willing to commit an unthinkable murder for the greater good, and not known for his smiles. Truly weird, when you think about it.

Thankfully, Cable is actually on the heroic side of things in Deadpool 2, and not looking to eliminate/liberate/save/renew half of anything. But that doesn’t stop Deadpool from telling him to “zip it, Thanos!” when things get particularly heated in the movie’s final act. Once again forcing fans to ask if the Avengers movies exist in Deadpool’s version of the world, or if just Cable happens to look an awful lot like Josh Brolin the actor.

MORE: Deadpool 2’s Incredible End Credits Scene Explained

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18