After weeks of speculation, Bill Skarsgård role in Deadpool 2 has been confirmed as the mutant Zeitgeist. When the first official trailer for Deadpool 2 rolled it, we learned the film was going full force with its comic book characters. Not only that, a number of characters from various teams on the page have been introduced for an early version of the X-Force crew ahead of the film’s release. While Deadpool and Domino were obvious and fans quickly recognized the iconic outfit of Shatterstar, a couple other characters were left in the realm of theory.

Thanks to the release of more trailers and TV spots, we know a lot more about the mutants in the movie. The identity of ‘The Kid’ was revealed recently, teasing a fire-powered mutant from the comics named Firefist will be the target of Cable’s mission. Meanwhile, Deadpool will pull a number of C-and-D-list characters from the page to jumpstart his own supergroup. But until today, we still didn’t have confirmation of who exactly IT star Skarsgård is playing in the movie.

Deadpool 2 actor Rob Delaney confirmed the identity of Skarsgård’s character today via the the Peter W Twitter account he created for his character from the film. The feed is a great example of both the comedian’s sense of humor and some nice viral marketing that provides an insight into X-Force’s sole human member. Plus, it’s got some informative tidbits from the movie.

As many fans assumed, Skarsgård is playing the acid-spitting mutant Zeitgeist. Though his name hardly fits his power, he’s another great misfit mutant to join the X-Force lineup. In fact, the character premiered in 2001’s X-Force #116 where he joined the titular team. Unfortunately, he died the same issue so his prospects in the XCU may not be good.

It’s unclear how many characters from Deadpool 2 will join the actual X-Force film, but it’s been known for awhile that Wade and Cable will make amends someone and combine their skills. Meanwhile, we recently learned Domino will be in X-Force as well, so at least Deadpool 2’s three biggest mutants will be involved.

With Avengers: Infinity War currently dominating theaters, it may be easy to forget that Marvel fans won’t have to wait much longer for the Merc with a Mouth to return. Deadpool 2 may open bigger than the original according to the latest predications, which will be good news for Fox and their efforts to build out the franchise. After all, Deadpool 2 will be their only X-Men film in 2018, so hopefully it satisfies fans.

MORE: Deadpool 2 Poster Goes Full Lisa Frank

Source: Peter W

  • X-Men: Dark Phoenix Release Date: 2019-06-07 New Mutants Release Date: 2020-08-28 Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18