Set in King’s Dominion, SyFy’s Deadly Class followed Marcus Arguello (Benjamin Wadsworth) during his first year in the assassin’s academy that’s filled with the most dangerous teenagers imaginable. Sadly, the series didn’t even get to finish a school year after its cancellation. With just one season to its name and currently no hope of a revival, a lot of the material told in the comics won’t be adapted any time soon.

Considering how things only get crazier and more violent following the gang’s first taste of actual combat and assassinations, fans of the show won’t get to see the comics’ best moments and arcs realized for the streaming crowd. Here are 10 things from the Deadly Class comics that we’ll never see now that the show has been cancelled.

Finals at King’s Dominion

The teaching staff at King’s Dominion has been dreading the coming finals, but the show never reveals what’s so dangerous about it. The finals are possibly the most earth-shattering event of the comics, as most of the original cast is dead by its end.

During finals, the Legacy students are tasked to kill as many of the Rats as possible while the Rats must do everything to survive. By the end, only Petra and Saya are left alive, although Saya did help Marcus fake his death and escape the assassins’ academy.

The New Deadly Class

When Deadly Class opens with Saya’s sophomore year, she’s shown to be taking care of a new set of freshmen (namely Helmut, Quan, and Tosahwi) plus a new pledge (Zenzele).

Thanks to the trauma of surviving the previous finals and while keeping Marcus’ fate a secret, Saya struggles to connect emotionally with her new charges even if they do mean well. But because the series didn’t even get to finish one semester, this new batch of aspiring assassins will never get the live-action treatment.

The Preps

A major player in the power struggle of King’s Dominion are The Preps, who are the children of American espionage agents from the CIA and FBI. They get a quick glance in the series but are never seen after that as Shabnam, Brandy, and Viktor take the antagonists’ center stage.

The comics focus on the Preps Kendal and Stephen, who are well-meaning rich boys who are also in a secret relationship. Shabnam uses this against them, successfully getting Stephen (a Rat) to kill Kendal (a Legacy) to prove his loyalty to the emerging student council. Stephen, however, bites back later.

Shabnam’s Reign

The son of wealthy bankers, Shabnam is always pushed around because of his nerdy and overweight appearance. This proves to be a fatal mistake for everyone at King’s Dominion, as Shabnam reveals himself to be the most dangerous student during Finals.

Shabnam’s greatest weapon is his mind, which he uses to gain the allegiances of his former tormentors like Viktor. By the end, Shabnam has all of the major cliques under control, ruling the campus with his dangerous student council and his social climbing girlfriend Kelly. His student body is the primary antagonist of the latest arc in the comics.

Petra’s Betrayal and Death

Finals in Deadly Class is a tragic bloodbath, with one of the saddest events being Petra’s betrayal. To ensure her survival, Petra kills her fellow Rat and friend Billy using her signature poisons. She does make it to second year, but Final took its toll on her.

When she’s seen in sophomore year, Petra’s dressed up like one of the Preps and is forcing herself to smile. She resurrects her former Gothic self with Helmut’s help and love, but is killed by Brandy in Mexico but not before permanently injuring Brandy’s throat and burning Shabnam’s face with acid.

Saya Returns To Japan

In Deadly Class, Saya mentions that she has some family troubles back at home but the series never expounds on this. The comics (obviously) dove deep into her family troubles, all of which is the fault of her sadistic brother Kenji.

Because the Kuroki clan would follow Saya over him, Kenji wants her dead or at least imprisoned in Japan. He succeeds in the latter thanks to Quan, only for Saya to slaughter her way out of the country. She’s currently on her way back to King’s Dominion in the comics, and killed Quan for his numerous betrayals.

Maria Kills El Alma Del Diablo

Right after taking care of Chester, Marcus and Maria are stopped in their tracks by Chico’s vengeful father, El Alma Del Diablo and his cartel hitmen. They kill Lex before turning their guns to Marcus and Maria, giving Deadly Class’ first season a hell of a cliffhanger.

If the series continued, the second season would’ve opened with a city-wide chase that ends when Maria kills those responsible her suffering. However, this also leads to her capture and torture under the watch of El Alma Del Diablo’s vengeful wife Amante and Chico’s hulking brute of a brother.

Marcus Saves Maria And Kills The Cartel

Using his supposed death as cover, Marcus infiltrates the cartel’s mansion in Mexico to save Maria. The mission is successful, with him not only saving his lover but also killing the cartel’s high command and top enforcers with ease.

This isn’t an important event just because a major gang got wiped out, but because this allows Marcus and Maria to live in peace for a few months. For the first time in their lives, the two can relax and love freely – even if Marcus still hallucinates some of his dead classmates, especially Willie.

Maria and Saya Reconcile

Despite starting off as best friends, Maria and Saya have a terrible fallout when their feelings for Marcus and their misunderstandings clash. This ends with them going their separate ways and being captured by their respective criminal families, ensuring that they’ll not see each other for a long time.

In the comics, they finally see each other again at the last arc’s end. Despite having their weapons drawn, the first thing they do is hug and cry. This tearful reunion won’t be seen in live-action now that the show ended abruptly.

Marcus’ Vengeance

Marcus’ freedom is short-lived thanks to Quan’s betrayal, and his sanctuary in Mexico ends when he returns to King’s Dominion to exact vengeance. With Maria, the new freshmen, and Viktor’s covert help, Marcus comes back to the academy to bring it all down.

When he returns, Master Lin is apparently impressed with the Rat’s survival but Marcus knows that this is just a front. What exactly Marcus plans to do and the culmination of his revenge has yet to be shown but things can only go from bad to worse for everyone involved.