After only 10 episodes and a cliffhanger of a series finale, Deadly Class was canceled by SyFy. The series that followed Marcus Arguello’s (Benjamin Wasworth) first semester in the deadly assassins’ academy of King’s Dominion came to an abrupt end, leaving many of the storylines and potential character arcs that were set-up incomplete and dangling.

While the comics may provide some closure since the show was pretty faithful to them and it’s still being published by Image Comics, some of the show’s differences create new storylines and possibilities that the source material won’t explore. Here are 10 unanswered questions we have about Deadly Class season one which will probably never be resolved thanks to the series’ cancellation.

Is Jurgen Alive Or Dead?

One of the many new teachers Deadly Class introduces is Jurgen Denke, who specializes in toxicology and poisons. But because he’s beginning to lose faith in what King’s Dominion represents, Master Lin is tasked to kill him.

However, Master Lin can’t bring himself to kill his old friend and instead lets him escape the campus ground. Whether or not Jurgen is really alive or dead is never confirmed by the series, probably hinting at his return in a later season. Sadly, this will never be revealed following the show’s cancellation.

Who Will Rule King’s Dominion?

Master Lin is introduced as the principal of King’s Dominion but as the series progressed, his leadership was questioned by his sister Master Gao. By the season finale, Master Lin is principal in name only as Master Gao all but stripped him of his authority and position.

Their power struggle isn’t fully resolved, and it’s left unclear as to who would’ve been in charge of King’s Dominion from that point forward. If Master Lin retains his position, he would’ve been a changed man following the events ofDeadly Class’ first and only season.

What Is Master Gao’s Endgame?

While Master Gao’s disdain for Master Lin’s style of leadership at King’s Dominion is made clear, her final goals aren’t. She may want to run the academy with an iron fist, but her concerns seem more linked to her personal grudge against her brother instead of the school’s fate.

Cementing this are her closing actions, where she takes Master Lin’s daughter away to give her the same brutal training she had as a child. Why she plans to do this isn’t clear, with the only hints being that she wants to toughen up her brother.

Will Master Lin Get Back At Saya?

Of all his students, Master Lin trusts Saya the most because she’s the most promising of her batch. His trust in her is proven wrong by the end, after she ditches the mission he gave her to instead help Marcus kill Chester.

In doing so, Saya inadvertently led to Master Lin losing those he values the most: his wife and daughter. Because of this, it wouldn’t have been surprising if Master Lin diverted all of his energy and resources to making Saya’s life a living hell in Deadly Class’ hypothetical second season.

What Does The Yakuza Want?


During the fourth episode, King’s Dominion is infiltrated by two Yakuza assassins who try to capture Saya after killing many of the school’s staff. Saya reveals that her spiteful brother Kenji is behind all of this, but she doesn’t really explain why.

Since Deadly Class made a number of changes to its story, it wouldn’t be too shocking if the Kuroki had something different in mind for Saya. In the comics, Kenji wants his assassins to either kill or capture Saya so that he could secure his rule over the criminal clan.

How Will Petra And Billy Take Lex’s Death?

By having one of the cartel’s hitmen shoot Lex in front of Marcus and Maria, Deadly Class ends with a major cliffhanger. It’s not really clear if Lex survives or not, but chances are he would’ve died as he did in the comics.

The bigger question, however, is whether or not his closest friends Petra and Billy will find out what happened to him. Billy recently killed his abusive father and struggled with the emotions that came out as a result, so seeing his partner in crime bleed out to death would surely do a number on him.

Will Willie Return?

Sick of all the violence and not willing to risk his life again, the pacifistic Willie decides to bail out it instead of fighting Chester. As loyal as he is to Marcus, Willie would rather make a run for it with Gabrielle,

Deadly Class author Rick Remender confirmed that Willie was going to save Marcus and Maria in the second season’s pilot before the rest of the episode played out like the 12th issue. Whether or not Willie will regret this decision hasn’t been discussed.

Will Saya Really Split From The Gang?

After getting fed up with Maria’s anger and Marcus’ unpredictability, Saya ends the first season of Deadly Class by leaving the group. Rather that stick with them, the daughter of the Yakuza decides to focus on becoming the school’s top student.

While this is somewhat similar to what she does in the comics, her split doesn’t last long as she still cares too much for everyone – especially Marcus. Whether or not the series would’ve followed her comic storyline will never be confirmed now that she won’t be getting a second semester.

Will Saya And Maria Reconcile?

Despite being best friends, Saya and Maria end Deadly Class by fighting each other. Their feelings for Marcus and a lot of misunderstandings end their friendship, and the show ends with Saya leaving Maria to fend for herself.

The two also end their friendship on a terrible note in the comics, but they reconcile just in time for what seems to be the story’s closing storylines. Now that the show has been canceled, viewers won’t get to see if the former best friends forgive each other and how they’ll do it.

Will Maria and Marcus Survive?

Right after surviving Chester’s wrath and his gang of brutal hicks, Marcus and Maria leave the house only to find themselves in front of the cartel’s gunsights. Worsening their chances is the fact that Marcus is holding Chico’s severed head, confirming to El Alma Del Diablo that Maria killed his son.

As mentioned above, Deadly Class season two would’ve opened by adapting most of the 12th issue, where Maria and Marcus run from the cartel’s men and Chico’s vengeful father. How things would’ve played out from there is sadly a mystery, since the show might’ve changed some key events.