The wide variety of killers in Dead by Daylight offers players a range of different play styles and archetypes to satisfy any competitive online player’s desires. From hyper-aggressive killers to trap focused killers, the game offers a wide array of options to tackle highly elusive and evasive survivors. Among these killers is the widely popular Demogorgon creature, made famous through its introduction in the Stranger Things television show. The deformed monster hosts an interesting and completely unique style of play to his murderous peers and provides an interesting arsenal of weapons to master.

The Demogorgon adds an additional “trapping” style character to the killer roster of Dead by Daylight. With a vast mobility range and capability, the Demogorgon is meant for players who enjoy a style of play which features setting up portals and traps to traverse the arena and catch players off guard. However, the Demogorgon is one of the more difficult characters to use in Dead by Daylight and may require some getting used to. This guide will provide players new to the Demogorgon’s playstyle some essential tips to optimize the hideous creature’s arsenal and options.

The Demogorgon’s Abilities in Dead by Daylight

The Demogorgon is technically a “trap” style of character. His array of portal spawning abilities may not seem much like traps but they offer up similar utility to the other trapping characters within the game.

The Demogorgon’s “of the abyss” special moves allows the creature to create portals which allow him to navigate the map rapidly. These portals are tunnels which allow the creature to access the “upside-down” and maneuver without detection to an already created tunnel. This allows the Demogorgon to be undetectable as he travels and provides the creature with an unparalleled map presence and control.

The Demogorgon is allowed 6 portals to be in the arena at a time. This allows the killer a wide variety of options to dominate the map space and to lock down certain key areas of the map. The portals are invisible to survivors until they have been “activated” which then allows survivors the chance to destroy the portals. To activate a portal a Demogorgon simply has to travel to that portal from another portal, this activates both of the portals used to travel. Once activated the tunnels become visible to the survivors and can be destroyed. However, once activated the Demogorgon has the ability to see a survivor’s aura once they are close to an activated portal. This provides the creature with some powerful recon abilities in a match.

Alongside this portal, the killer has access to a powerful lunging strike. This serves as another tool the Demogorgon has to close space while trying to kill survivors. This lunge provides the creature with far-reaching slash attacks and sets up the opportunity for pursuit or another melee strike.

These two abilities cement the Demogorgon as one of the best killers for dominating map space. This makes facing the Demogorgon a guessing game of whether or not you are in range of the cruel monster’s powerful attacks or not.

The Strengths of the Demogorgon

As mentioned, the Demogorgon controls the area he fights in extremely well. Having essentially a full-screen presence makes the beast a force to be reckoned with.

A solid strategy when using the Demogorgon is to place a portal at every generator or major location across a map. This allows the killer to have access to any location that a survivor may deem as advantageous. On top of this accessibility, the Demogorgon can activate each of these portals to essentially have a full surveillance camera to watch over these key areas. This allows the killer to lock down any offensive attempts made by the survivors and to excel at dominating the online arena.

The Demogorgon excels at making survivors feel uncomfortable no matter how safe they may seem. His ability to travel undetected can allow the killer to sneak up on even the most cautious survivor. Plus attempting to destroy his mobility portals allows Demogorgon the ability to find your location and initiate a powerful counter-attack.

Although not traps in the traditional sense of the word, the Demogorgon’s portals make for an effective trap style weapon. Which can apply pressure in almost every situation.

The Weaknesses of the Demogorgon

Although his full-screen presence is unparalleled, the Demogorgon like any killer has his own series of faults. His long-ranged abilities although powerful can be played against and can make using the grotesque monster a challenge.

Given his ability to cover large distances, Demogorgon’s ability to catch up to survivors is surprisingly lacking. Although his lunging attack is a powerful move, it is rather finicky at times. It requires a certain degree of accuracy to connect against evasive survivors and has smaller range than a killer would hope for. Plus his recovery animation after whiffing the lung is glacial at times and can easily grant a survivor the time required to escape.

Once a portal is activated the Demogorgon does gain the ability to control screen space well, but if inactive the portals can be difficult to manage. Without activation they are simply just exits which can be taken, they grant no recon ability. The ability to activate each portal is a time-consuming process and each portal that has been activated is essentially a large neon sign which says “don’t come over here!”

Even at his best a Demogorgon cannot cover every piece of ground made available by his portal. So a well-organized group of survivors can divide and conquer the beast with relative ease by simply spreading out the focus of their attacks. This forces the Demogorgon to pick and choose his focus of attack and can make tackling the group of survivors a challenge for even a master killer.

More: Dead by Daylight Brings Major Reckoning Update

Dead by Daylight is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.