Batman and Superman are perhaps the two most famous superheroes of all time. They are internationally beloved characters that have been revisited countless times in both graphic novels and movies, but the DCEU’s take on these heroes remains one of the most controversial ones. Zack Snyder’s decision to tackle the two characters in Batman v Superman in was a bold project, to begin with, but his characterization of Superman as a misjudged man who makes mistakes and of Batman as a darker, faithless version of the hero didn’t please everyone.

Nonetheless, the movie remains epic for being the first one to pit Batman and Superman against each other. Justice League, instead, finally shows the characters getting along and working together for the greater good. A lot goes down between the two heroes across the two movies they appear together in, so let’s look at the 5 worst things

Batman: Calling Superman A Threat To Humanity

Although the world was not initially keen on the casting choice of Ben Affleck as Batman, his performance in Batman v Superman won over many people. One of his greatest scenes is when Bruce Wayne is defending his decision to acquire kryptonite to go after Superman to Alfred. Ben delivers the words in a chilling way, growling about the danger that Superman poses to the world with his uncontrollable abilities.

He even shares this with Clark Kent, calling Superman an alien who could ‘burn the whole place down’ anytime. There is something simply unsettling about Batman’s view of the world: in his years of fighting evil with good, he has given in to the idea that evil will always win.

Superman: Tried To Expose Batman

Batman is going through a rough patch in Batman v Superman. This causes him to become a little rougher with his methods, and a little less merciful, something which Clark Kent notices and highly disapproves of. Consequently, the reporter decides to gather up information and evidence to expose Batman. Although his boss refuses to let him write an article on ‘The Batman’, Clark persists.

He does his online research and talks to civilians about Batman and his ways of ending criminal affairs. He seems too caught up in the idea of Batman as a villain who terrorizes his city, that he forgets about the actual criminals who need to face justice.

Batman: Blamed Superman For Luthor’s Bombing

In all his attempts to help people and do the right thing, Superman is a lot more naive than Batman. He goes to the United States Capitol in good faith but, of course, a bomb goes off and he is the only survivor. Right as Lex Luthor wanted in orchestrating this, the public begins to blame Superman for not managing to save anyone in the building.

Regardless, Batman is supposed to be the world’s greatest detective. He did not have concrete evidence that Superman was responsible for the bombing and should have investigated the matter further before assuming that Superman was guilty, and condemning for death for it.

Superman: Spied On Him

Determined to expose Batman in the papers, Superman comes to speak to Bruce Wayne at a private event to It is clear that his superhearing allows him to hear to Alfred’s instructions - revealing that Bruce Wayne is Batman, and he is looking for something at this event. Clark seeks to investigate, he listens in on Bruce’s private conversations with Alfred and follows him quietly through the building. He may eventually get distracted by a TV report on Superman, but he’s already had time to invade quite a bit of Batman’s privacy.

Batman: Didn’t Listen To Superman’s Warnings

There are lots of reasons for Batman overreacting to Superman’s abilities and almost lowering himself to murder - and one of these is the mix of his arrogance and stubbornness. These defects, along with all of the negative publicity about Superman, blinded him completely and convinced him that Superman was evil and had to be taken down. In fact, so much so that he failed to notice who the real bad guy was: Lex Luthor.

Superman himself tries to warn him, to ask for his help and avoid fighting, but Batman doesn’t listen. Instead, Batman attacks him and weakens him with kryptonite.

Superman: Wrecked The Batmobile

Batman and Superman’s first meeting is not entirely intentional. Having done research on Batman as Clark Kent, Superman feels that Batman’s ways are too violent and wrong. When he finds Batman in his city chasing down the men transporting the kryptonite he wants, Superman ambushes his mission.

He stands very still when Batman drives full speed towards him and, consequently, sends the batmobile to collide into a wall. When he approaches Batman, he rips off the door of the vehicle completely. Wrecking the batmobile is a bit harsh to teach Batman to stick to Gotham.

Batman: Threatened Superman

Although both superheroes grow similarly wary and suspicious of each other and are manipulated by Lex Luthor to be pit against one another, Batman’s hatred of Superman is worse and leads to greater damage. Their first meeting ends with Batman threatening Superman with an iconic line: ‘Do you bleed? You will.’ Although Superman doesn’t dignify it with a response at the moment, his extensive research on Batman surely lets him know that Batman doesn’t do empty threats.

True to his words, Batman can be seen cutting a bit of Superman’s cheek with his kryptonite spear at the end of their fight and drawing a bit of blood.

Superman: Fought Batman

In Batman v Superman, Bruce Wayne is clearly going through one of the darkest times of his life: he has lost faith in humanity, he is paranoid about Superman’s abilities and this leads him to gear up and challenge Superman in a fight. Ever the good guy, Superman initially abstains from violence when Bruce attacks him until he begins to get weakened by Bruce’s kryptonite weapon.

It’s downhill from there: eventually, the effects of the kryptonite wear off and Superman doesn’t hold back against Batman. You would think that Superman would continue trying to talk to Batman - because communicating is really what they need to be doing instead of fighting - but if his triumphant smirk is anything to go by, Superman gets a small thrill from fighting the vigilante he despises.

Batman: Tried To Kill Superman

By far, this worst Batman has ever done to Superman was trying to kill him. He may have lived through 20 years of trying to stop crime and bring justice in Gotham in vain, and he may have been manipulated by Lex Luthor into blaming Superman for vast city damage and a bombing; but in the end, he is to blame for almost breaking his number one rule.

Just like the people of America in the film, Batman was blinded by his fear of the unknown and felt so threatened by the power that Superman posed that he found it his duty to eliminate that power. By killing Superman. Thankfully, he came to his senses at the very last minute.

Superman: Strangled Batman

Batman and Superman’s conflict may seem to end when the movie Batman v Superman does, but it picks up in Justice League. Mind you, Superman’s outburst was partly justified by the fact that he had just been revived against his consent, of course.

From the moment that Superman was revived, something was bound to go wrong. The Justice League’s presence was foreign and slightly threatening to him and, of course, Batman’s arrival only made things worse for Superman’s first day back from the dead. Already confused, lost and maybe even in pain, seeing the face of the man who almost killed him was bound to make Superman act irrationally.