Geoff Johns is bringing a live-action Stargirl series to DC Universe. One of the early winners of San Diego Comic-Con 2018 has been DC’s upcoming digital service. The previously announced platform debuted the first trailer for their first live-action series Titans earlier today. That wasn’t all, as they also detailed pricing and subscription plans for the service.

The service was guaranteed to get a bit more coverage with Young Justice: Outsiders set to have a panel all its own, and some promotional art already revealed Darkseid’s role. Prior to Warner Bros. potentially DC heavy panel on Saturday, Geoff Johns held a panel for himself - and he just announced another series is coming to DC Universe.

Johns announced that he’s writing and producing a live-action Stargirl series that will debut on DC Universe. The announcement has since been confirmed with additional details, such as a 2019 launch. The series comes out of Johns’ recently launched production studio and will focus on Courtney Whitmore aka Stargirl’s “mission to bring back the legacy of the Justice Society.”

Stargirl is a character especially close to Johns, making him the obvious choice to spearhead her solo series. Johns and Lee Moder created Stargirl in 1999 following the death of Johns’ sister, who died during the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996. He named her Courtney in his sister’s memory and even crafted her personality based on his sister.

These early details on Stargirl are intriguing as she’s a frequent member of the Justice Society of America, but in the series she will be looking to bring the team back to glory. While this is a Stargirl solo series, other Justice Society members will indeed appear. Johns confirmed “all the Justice Society heroes” will be making appearances. The capacity of their roles isn’t known, so thankfully Stargirl is more than capable of holding down the show by herself.

With Stargirl looking to debut on DC Universe sometime next year, it shouldn’t be too long before more details on the project are revealed. Johns didn’t disclose how far into the process he is, as he’s also working on writing the movie script for Green Lantern Corps. If the series does move along smoothly, it will add to an already busy lineup for DC Universe’s original content. Not only are Titans and Young Justice: Outsiders coming, but a live-action Swamp Thing is also in development, along with Titans spinoff Doom Patrol. There’s also an animated Harley Quinn series and a Superman prequel Metropolis. All in all, this is a busy time for DC, and Stargirl only adds to it.

MORE: Titans’ Elasti-Woman Will Be Lead of Doom Patrol

Source: DC Entertainment