The first issue of the new Suicide Squad series from Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, and Adriano Lucas was a bloody affair, with multiple casualties. While you might expect the second issue to slow down a little bit, previews show things are going to get even bloodier.

The first issue saw the Suicide Squad forced to team up with members of the freedom fighter Revolutionaries under the guidance of an evil new boss named Lok. Casualties from the issue included T.N. Teen, Scale, Magpie, and Cavalier.  In Suicide Squad #2, death will once again show its head as the antiheroes deal with grief.

Previous previews showed the team is set to be put in danger with more possible casualties. In the new preview, they’re on a mission when Osita is shot with the bullet piercing right through her shoulder. Meanwhile, the group’s goal is to protect the president - of what exactly, is unclear. However, the mission goes awry, as the person they’re trying to protect takes a bullet in the head and is killed. Deadshot stares with blood on his face as the president lays dead in the water.

The issue will also examine the psyche of Fin, a telepathic sea dweller whose twin brother Scale was killed in Suicide Squad #1. Fin is shown sitting in the fetal position at the bottom of a pool struggling with accepting what happened. Scale’s death has stopped the telepathic connection between the two as Fin’s said to have his twin brother “in his head since the day he was born.” While he’s grieving, Fin hears a voice. It’s The Shark - the person responsible for chomping his brother to death. The Shark taunts Fin by telling him his brother “tasted terrible,” but he “liked the way he wiggled.” The Shark threatens him, while Fin clinches his fists in anger.

The Shark is one bad dude. Fin is trying to gather his own thoughts and deal with personal trauma and is interrupted by his brother’s killer telling him how good killing him was. That’s messed up. While Fin is a new character to the comics, it’s hard to not root he gets revenge on the Shark.

The previews indicate Suicide Squad #2 is going to be filled with anger, frustration, sadness, and violence. It won’t be easy for the newly assembled team to work together - but that’s what makes the Suicide Squad so entertaining. More bloodshed is on its way.

  • Suicide Squad #2 Written by Tom Taylor Art by Bruno Redondo Colors by Adriano Lucas Cover by Bruno Redondo After the absolute carnage of Suicide Squad #1, a new Task Force X has been assembled-even before the bodies of teammates and friends have had a chance to cool! What’s left standing may be the most capable and uncompromising Suicide Squad ever brought together. But it’s also the most divided. Forced to fulfill the agenda of a cruel new taskmaster, this Squad might survive their next mission, but they may not survive each other. Out January 29, 2020 in comic shops.

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