Days Gone is at it’s best when giant hordes of Freakers are running to the get their next meal, you. Set in a post-apocalyptic Oregon almost two years after the world has been overrun a zombie-like virus. Days Gone follows the story of Deacon St. John, a former member of a biker gang. Deacon must fight off  “freakers” and help his small area of the world while searching for his missing wife.

This Playstation 4 exclusive creates a solid challenge by throwing hundreds of hungry enemies your way all at once. There are forty hordes spread throughout your Oregon town and battling these large hordes on your own can be quite a challenge.

This guide will give you some tips and tricks on staying alive against the hordes in Days Gone.

Know Your Surroundings Before Tackling A Horde In Days Gone

Step one in tackling these nasty crowds is getting to know your surroundings. It is essential that you sneak around the area, hopefully without triggering the horde, and find your exit strategy if things get too crazy. Make sure you remember exactly where you park your bike and that it’s in an area of retreat. Another important aspect to find is bottle-necked areas, where can you run that will funnel the horde into a smaller space. This not only makes it easier to avoid getting hit from the sides but also creates a smaller target for those Molotov Cocktails you’ve been brewing. As your looking around be sure to take note of any explosive barrels or trucks, so you can utilize them when being pursued.

Utilizing Traps Against Hordes In Days Gone

While you’re scouting, take the time to place Proximity and Remote Bombs along your planned path. You’ll be able to take down tons of Freakers without even firing a shot, especially if you get them grouped up. Do be careful not to get yourself blown up though in the progress.

Use Explosives and Attractors Against Hordes in Days Gone

Before you trigger the horde be sure to craft, craft, craft! Make all the Molotovs you can, Pipe Bombs, Frag Grenades, Attractor Bombs, anything you can chuck at a distance. Explosions handle crowds much better than bullets do. And while you’re at it, be sure to make all the attractors you can, grouping the Freakers together with a radio and throwing a Frag Grenade is a devastating combination. The attractors can also be used to pull some of the crowd off of you if it gets a little overwhelming.

Day vs. Night: When To Attack Hordes In Days Gone

This one is actually quite simple. ALWAYS fight the hordes during the day. They’re sleepier in daylight, which gives you more time to prepare. At night they will be stronger, more persistent, and aware. Plus, it’s just easier to deal with your surroundings when the sun is out.

Utilize these tips and tricks to make your town just a little bit safer in Days Gone. There really is no better feeling than taking down a massive horde of Freakers and running around the bodies looting those sweet bounty ears.

More: Days Gone: The Best Tips & Tricks to Know Before Playing