The team at Bloom Built has today released the latest version of its journaling app Day One. Five since its original debut, with 40 free releases since then, Day One 2 sets the precedent for the direction of the new app. Albeit awkwardly titled, version 2 of Day One includes new overall features for both the iOS and Mac versions. Having been built from the ground up with data reliabilty and security in mind, Day One 2 lays the foundation for exciting new features to come in later versions.


Day One 2 comes with two major features for both the iOS and Mac: the ability to have multiple journals (up to ten with unique colors and names) and multiple photos (up to ten per journal entry). Allowing users to create multiple journals sets the stage for better journal organization. Each journal can be configured with a unique color, from a multitude of colors to select from. Multiple photos per journal entry ensures that each person can further capture their day or adventures all in one entry.


Users can navigate through past journal entires in Day One 2 using the List, Photo, Map, and Calendar views. The Map view, new on iOS, shows users all their past entries nearby to their current location. This feature alone is something I’ll be excited to use whenever I travel. Being able to return to a location within a few years, and then read back on my previous thoughts will be quite interesting. On both platforms, but new to the Mac, the Photo view allows users to scroll through a visual layout of all their journal entries.

Adding on to that, Day One 2 provides a multitude of filters that gives users further methods to quickly find previous journal entries. All of these entries can be easily tagged, deleted, and reorganized in bulk.

Day One Sync

Noting that it was “not the majority of user experience” but that they had “too many cases of data loss and duplication”, Day One 2 puts a heavy focus on syncing and data reliability. For users currently using the original Day One (now renamed to Day One Classic) their data is compatible with Day One 2 when used in conjunction with Day One Sync. Day One Sync is the only supported sync service in Day One 2. For users who still want other methods, they are able to back up and export data locally or to other shared cloud services like Dropbox. Bloom states that Day One Sync is fast, free, and security-wise is comparable to iCloud and Dropbox. Bloom’s most important security point here is that private-key encryption is to be expected in the next point release of Day One 2. For more info on Day One Sync, be sure to check out the official page available from Bloom.

With a roadmap laying out multiple other features (Audio Recording, an Activity Feed, and Night Mode amongst them), Day One 2 raises the bar for improving upon the journal writing experience.

Day One 2 is on sale at 50% off for the first week of its debut. For iOS it is currently on sale for $4.99 and is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and the Apple Watch. Day One 2 is also available for the Mac at the sale price of $19.99 and is compatible with El Capitan and higher.



Update: All codes have been redeemed! Congratulations if you were lucky (and quick) enough to get one. For future reference, if the token page says the code has already been redeemed, try to manually redeem it anyways.