Like a lot of the dramas featuring teen characters in the late ‘90s, Dawson’s Creek changed how television approached teenagers. The show ushered in a wave of television programs aimed at teens instead of families. Without Dawson’s Creek, fans wouldn’t have had shows like Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, or One Tree Hill.

The teenage characters in the series were a combination of wise beyond their years and naive to the ways of the world. As a result, they’re all very intelligent in different ways. It’s difficult to say which character is necessarily “smarter” than another unless we examine which characters learned the most during their time on Dawson’s Creek, those who actually put their intelligence to work, which is how we’ve ranked them.

Audrey Liddell

Introduced during the university years of Dawson’s Creek, Audrey Liddell isn’t particularly interested in her academic schedule. Instead, Audrey is more focused on experiencing life away from her controlling family, but she falls into old habits.

Not only does Audrey spend her college years developing a substance use problem, but she also spends the night with one of her friend’s boyfriends. Audrey doesn’t exhibit the same learning curve as other characters, making a lot of the same mistakes over and over. It takes outside influences to get her to really accept that she needs to start paying attention to her own life. It has to be noted, however, that Audrey gets the shortest amount of time in the series of the characters present. With a longer character arc, she might have jumped up the list as she put what she learned to use.

Jack McPhee

Jack begins his time on Dawson’s Creek when the McPhee family moves to Capeside in season two. He becomes a permanent member of the friend group over the course of the next few seasons, even raising Jen’s daughter after her passing.

Jack demonstrates that he’s a sensitive soul while in high school, and he does offer up good advice to his friends. He doesn’t, however, seem to take his own advice. Jack also almost flunks out of university when he embraces the party scene. Much like Audrey, it takes a lot of pushing from the people around him before Jack buckles down and starts paying attention. Once he does, he realizes the importance of learning from his own past, and eventually, becomes a teacher.

Dawson Leery

Though the series is named for Dawson Leery, he might be the most stunted of the characters in the series. When the series begins, Dawson has a very black and white view of the world, not understanding that things can operate in shades of grey. That view doesn’t shift much as the series continues.

In fact, Dawson’s approach to his dream and his friends doesn’t change much over the series either. While he often waxes poetic about what he’s learned from his experiences and mentors in his life, he doesn’t actually show that he’s learned from his experiences. Dawson has a large vocabulary and an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, but that doesn’t make him the smartest one in the room.

Doug Witter

Big brother to main character Pacey, Doug Witter recurs throughout the entire run of the show. A police officer in Capeside, Doug doesn’t see much action in the small town, so there isn’t a lot of opportunity for fans to see him fighting crime or solving mysteries.

Instead, Doug often appears in the series as a foil for Pacey. While he’s straight-laced and methodical, Pacey goes with the flow. He only ranks so low on the list because he doesn’t appear to be especially observant, not recognizing that his little brother is having an affair with a teacher, and never really reading the emotional state of the room very well. 

Bessie Potter

Big sister to Joey, Bessie Potter is quite a bit more observant than Doug. She’s able to tell her little sister’s state of mind with just a look. 

Bessie is also incredibly capable and a fast learner. She essentially raises her younger sister as their mother died and their father went to prison. Bessie also opens her own business and raises her son while her boyfriend attends culinary school. Her intelligence lies primarily in her ability to adapt to new situations and work out solutions to seemingly impossible situations.

Jen Lindley

Before Jen Lindley moves in with her grandparents in Capeside, she’s already led a pretty difficult life. All of that experience leaves Jen a little jaded and looking for a fresh start.

Her life experience, however, also allows Jen to be more observant than most. She’s quick to pick up on when people are judging her, when something about a situation seems off, and even when someone is lying to her. Jen also has a quick wit, is well-read, and never tires of challenging the beliefs of those around her. Over the course of the series, she learns that her own point of view isn’t always the right one.

Andie McPhee

Andie McPhee isn’t in the series as long as most of the other main characters, but she definitely makes an impression. She is very much the stereotypical overachiever. Andie is obsessed with doing well in school. She’ll stop at nothing to get into the school of her dreams, including cheating on a standardized exam.

That being said, Andie is someone who can memorize and retain large amounts of information, despite her anxiety leading to her cheating. She’s also able to tutor all of her friends so that they can be prepared for exams. She’s certainly one of the more academically intelligent of the characters, and she does own up to her mistakes, learning from her actions.

Joey Potter

When the series begins, it’s easy to peg Joey Potter as the smartest of her friends. While Joey has more experience in tragedy and harsh reality, she’s still naive to some concepts. That’s why she doesn’t land at the top of the list.

Joey is, however, someone who combines a lot of different types of intelligence, and definitely demonstrates a willingness to learn from her past as the show continues. Joey is better able to read the emotions of her friends than Dawson is. She also keeps up with school work better than most and takes on new creative endeavors on a regular basis. Joey eventually becomes a writer and editor at the end of the series, putting the skills she learned to use.

Pacey Witter

When the series begins Pacey Witter is primarily the comic relief. He has the same stellar vocabulary as his friends, but he’s in danger of failing his classes and seems to perpetually make the wrong decisions. 

Pacey, however, works very hard, despite not having the kind of memorization skills Joey, Andie, or Dawson have. He learns best by experience, as evidenced by him building his own boat, working the stock market, and becoming a sous chef before eventually running his own restaurant. Pacey is someone who tries his hand at anything and everything, picking up skills along the way, building on his knowledge, and widening his perception of the world around him. 

Evelyn ‘Grams’ Ryan

A long life doesn’t always equate with intelligence and wisdom, but in the case of Evelyn Ryan, it certainly does. “Grams,” as she’s known to her granddaughter Jen (and all of her friends), begins the series incredibly closed-minded and judgmental. By the end of the series, however, her big heart and her willingness to understand other points of view is evident as she tries to learn more about her granddaughter’s life.

Grams has a wealth of stories and advice to hand out, but she’s still open to new experiences in the later years of the show. She’s able to see through a lot of the antics of the teenagers she’s around to come to value them like family. Grams truly exemplifies what it means to learn from the mistakes of her past and to build on her existing intelligence.