There are many names that have grown to become synonymous with the Star Wars franchise. George Lucas, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher, are just some of the members of this illustrious group who have come to personify the creative vision of Lucasfilm. We are two films into a new chapter of the of Star Wars filmmaking and it’s expanding in ways that previous generations could only dream of.

Today there are new contenders to add to the Wall of Fame, with directors like J.J. Abrams and Gareth Edwards throwing in their hats after reinvigorating the brand with The Force Awakens and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. However, they aren’t the only storytellers that have been making noise over at Skywalker Ranch. Star Wars Rebels producer Dave Filoni has quietly been making his own name known ever since joining Lucas as director of The Clone Wars animated series, and people have been taking notice.

Star Wars Celebration has been in full swing all weekend long in Orlando and there’s been no shortage of fanfare or groundbreaking news. Filoni has been there to promote the fourth (and final) season of Star Wars Rebels and his presence has left many questions about the show and his future. In a recent interview with Coming Soon, Filoni was asked about his interest in making the transition to live-action and whether or not he would like to direct a Star Wars movie:

The work that Filoni has done on Star Wars Rebels has transcended the show, with its characters and vehicles even making the leap from animation directly into last year’s Rogue One. Filoni’s work in animation has also played one of the biggest roles in expanding Star Wars’ mythology, giving new context and background for everything ranging from Mandalorians to the Force itself. So, it’s easy to imagine him at the helm of one of the spin-off films to expand on ideas that he created.

“I’d be crazy to say I’m not interested in that. I don’t want to say that would be the ultimate, because I really enjoy the stories I’m telling now and I would never undercut them by saying they’re something less. I think the craft we do and the work we do in these series is tremendous and the artists we have working on them are amazing. But I can’t help but be curious about this live-action world and what I see there and the tremendous opportunities that are around me. It is very interesting to me, I respect the craft that it is, it’s a different style. I’ve been observing and learning a lot about it to see how I would do (it) and if it fits with my creative vision for things or would I encumber the process. I don’t do things like that unless I feel like I do have a real ownership and mastery of it, I just think it’s disrespectful to the crew that you would work with, who would obviously been tremendous professionals and I wouldn’t want to hinder them in any way. You know, we’ll see. In some circles you find you’re a master and in some circles you’re still a Padawan, we should always be learning, all of us. Always be learning.”

It sounds as if Filoni has been pondering making the transition for some time. Directing is not the same across all mediums, so it’s not a guarantee that he’ll find the same success that he’s experienced with Star Wars Rebels. However, there’s another school of thought, that a good storyteller is effective no matter the tools available. So there’s reason for both skepticism, and enthusiasm, for Filoni’s flirtation with live-action. Fortunately, Lucasfilm has proven to be a creative safe-haven with endless avenues of support for the creator. Hopefully, there’s more to come from this story.

Source: Coming Soon