What is Data Warehouse?

A Data Warehouse collects and manages data from varied sources to provide meaningful business insights. It is a collection of data which is separate from the operational systems and supports the decision making of the company. In Data Warehouse data is stored from a historical perspective. The data in the warehouse is extracted from multiple functional units. It is checked, cleansed and then integrated with Data warehouse system. Data warehouse used a very fast computer system having large storage capacity. This tool can answer any complex queries relating data.

What is Data Mart?

A data mart is a simple form of a Data Warehouse. It is focused on a single subject. Data Mart draws data from only a few sources. These sources may be central Data warehouse, internal operational systems, or external data sources. A Data Mart is an index and extraction system. It is an important subset of a data warehouse. It is subject-oriented, and it is designed to meet the needs of a specific group of users. When compared Data Mart vs Data Warehouse, Data marts are fast and easy to use, as they make use of small amounts of data.

Differences between Data Warehouse and Data Mart

Here is the main difference between Data Mart and Data Warehouse: